parts of a bike | parts of a bike 2 | parts of a bike 3 | parts of a bike 4 | parts of a bike 5 |
what is a helmet
the instrument that protects your cranium
the object that makes a loud ringing noise that alerts people where you are
what is the bell
what is the seat post
the thing that holds the seat on
what is the top tube
the top part of the frame
what is the seat tube
the tube that holds the seat on
what is a reflector
brings back light from cars
what are the spokes
the thin, metal wires that sturdy the wheel
what is the hub
the thing that connects the wheels to the bike
what are the gears
the thing that changes the speed
what is the down tube
the tube on the bottom of the frame
what is the chain
the thing that moves the wheel
what are hand signals
what tells cars and people where you are
what is the the rim
another part that keeps the wheel sturdy
what is the front break
the thing that stops the front wheel
what is the basket
the thing that holds objects
what is a pedal
the thing that moves the chain
what is the seat
the thing you sit on
another part that keeps the wheel sturdy
the thing that connects the wheel to the frame
what is the back break
the thing that stops the front wheel
what is the kickstand
the thing that keeps the bike from falling when you aren't riding
what is a wheel
the thing that keeps you balanced
what is the frame
the thing that holds the bike together
what is the handle bar
the thing that helps you steer
what is the chainstay
the thing that makes the chain stay
what is the water bottle holder
the thing that holds your water bottle