Preparing Cells for Freezing/Thawing | Reagents used for prepping Cells | Freezing Do's/Don'ts | Miscellaneous | Dangers of not Freezing Correctly |
What is10x10^6
Freezing Concentration
What is Thrombin
This Reagent forces Platelets to form large Aggregates that are heavier than Lymphocytes.
What is a larger tube (disposable glass culture tube)
Frozen samples in small cryovials are transferred to what? This is so they can be diluted sufficiently to minimize toxicity.
What is 1.077 g/mol
Lymphocytes and Monocytes have a density of
What is 4 Hours
When doing a Manual Freezing, it is important to leave the cells in the -20 C Freezer for a minimum of
What is Spleen, Node, PBL
Tissues we can use to isolate Lymphocytes
What is Tris+NH4CL
Lyses RBC
What is Platelets
This needs to be removed because it is covered with HLA class I receptors and will bind to HLA Antibody which will decrease Antibody available for Lymphocytes
What is -170°C-180°C
The Liquid Nitrogen tank should be between these Temps
What is Cell Death
If the cell to DMSO Ratio is not correct this could lead to
What is Final Freezing Concentration
What is Histopaque
A Denstiy Gradient that has a specific gravity that is the sameas Lymphocytes
What is 45% Percoll
This Reagent is recommended to use when cleaning up frozen Lymphocyte preps before running FCXM because this removes any Non-Viable Cells
What is Post Tx Monitoring
This is One of the main reasons we freeze Donor Cells
What is False Neg/Pos
If the cell prep is not cleaned properly, it can give results that are
What is Complete Media (RPMI FCS+PS)
This helps the Cells stay "Happy"
What is DMSO
This is a Cryopreservative that is essential to prevent cell damage due to ice crystal formation
What is 80%
Cell Viability should always be greater than
What is Once a week on FRIDAY!!!
This is when we check the Nitrogen Tank Levels!!! Lol
What is kept cool (4 degrees C)
DMSO is toxic to lymphocytes at room temperature, so cell should be
What is a Cryovial 2ml
Our Cells are frozen in what type of tubes
What is Iron
By ingestion this Reagent, it aids in the removal of Monocytes by passing them over a magnet
What is the TOP Line or RIGHT Line
When counting your Lymphocytes for freezing on the Hemocytometer, We do not include cells that are on the
What is 10 vials
We freeze how many Tubes per Organ
What is Uninterpretable Results
A scatter plot with Dual Populations or with very FEW T or B Cells gives DR. K