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What is UCLA
Bill Bright gave his first talk at a sorority on this campus. He invited 60 students to enter into a relationship with God and 30 became new believers.
What is 1951
Campus Crusade for Christ was founded in this year.
What is South Korea
In 1958, Cru became international when launched in this country.
What is the Four Spiritual Laws
This little booklet was finalized in 1965 and has since been the most widely distributed booklet in history
What is Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardino, California
In 1991, Cru relocated its headquarters from this city to Orlando, Florida
What is a summer project (or summer mission)
It is estimated that 75% or more of our staff participated in one of these as a student.
What is Impact
In 1991, Tom Fritz founded this movement to combat the underrepresentation of African American students in our ministries.
What is, "Taking the initiative to share the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God."
This definition of 'successful witnessing' highlights our role and God's role in sharing the gospel.
What is 2011
In this year, Campus Crusade for Christ changed its name to Cru
What is everystudent.com
More than 2,500 people each day tell us they have asked Jesus into their lives while on the site.
What is 190
In 2020, Cru had 19,000 staff members with a presence in this many countries
What is the Jesus Film
Created in 1979 and based on the Gospel of Luke, this tool has been translated into 1,500 languages and shown to billions of people
What is Explo '72
In 1972, Campus Crusade helped coordinate this week-long conference on evangelism with 80,000 students in attendance.
Who are Bill Bright, Steve Douglas, and Steve Sellers
The 3 presidents in Cru's history
What is the former Soviet Union
In 1982, Campus Crusade's campus ministry sends its first team of students to this region
What are the transferrable concepts
Dr. Bill Bright wrote these articles at the very inception of Campus Crusade for Christ as an easy way to transfer the most essential truths of the faith to a young believer.
Who is Henrietta Mears
This woman is considered "The Mother of Evangelicalism”, she was Bill Bright's mentor from the First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, and she personally led Vonette Bright into a personal relationship with Jesus.
What is "I found it!" campaign
85% percent of all Americans were exposed to this evangelistic billboard/bumper sticker campaign in 1976
What is the Athletes in Action Super Bowl Breakfast
This event has taken place in the Super Bowl host city every year since 1988
What is "God's Plan for Your Life"
Prior to developing the "Four Spiritual Laws" in 1959, Bill Bright wrote this 20-minute evangelistic presentation and required his staff members to memorize it in 1956.