Food | Injuries | School | Drunk | Boys |
what food does Taylor hate?
Right tooth at Apes wine tour
Which front tooth did Mckenzie break and at which wine tour?
PSYC 243 (psyc stats) and Summer 2020
Which class did Mckenzie and Emily receive D's in and what semester was it?
I wish grandpas never died
What song does Julia put on to fall asleep while drunk?
Noah Rivel
Who is the only boy that has been in Nina's room? (other than doof)
Cold brew oat milk and caramel
what is Emily's coffee order from Dunkin?
CCP (chronic chapped lips), CND (chronic nose drip), CBA (chronic broken ass)
What were Sophia's most recent syndrome's (3)
What grade is Mark in?
A musty bitch
What was the phrase Sophia called the skunk?
A coupon his mom gave him
How did Jake Scarcella pay for his date with Maggie?
How many pumps of caramel does Theresa put in her coffee?
What is
Which ankle did Julia hurt?
C+ and B-
What grade did Theresa get in both Calcs?
Pike Carroll
What frat was the first one Taylor publicy peed outside of and which house?
What movie did Cat lose her virginity to?
Good and Plenty's
What disgusting candy does Emily like?
Alexa and 2nd grade
Who has had the Swine Flu and when?
Who has a big crush on professors that wear sweater vests?
WHO IS JILL HATTS BIG?! Answer: Alexa Ware
What did Cat yell at the younger AZD girls? and what is the answer to the question she asked?
Which boy did Camryn have beef with for the longest time and now they are friends?
Who doesn't fill up the ice tray?
Who set the fire alarm off cooking chicken that was already cooked and resulted in many coughing fits?
Dan Dibua
Who was the boy Nicole cheated off of in chem 107?
Without you Luke Combs
What song was Julia singing when she threw the leaves and sprained her ankle?
Who once resembled Paul Perakis in a photo?