Space | Ancient History | Literature | Nature | Gavin |
What is mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
List all 9 Planets in order of distance from sun
What is Great Pyramid of Giza Hanging Gardens of Babylon Statue of Zeus Temple of Artemis Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria Colossus of Rhodes
2 of the wonders of the ancient world
What is Winston
1984's main character
What is Elephants / your mom
The largest land mammal by mass
What is Purple
Gavin's favorite color
What is 10 times the speed of light
The speed of warp ten in star trek
What is Zues
Perseus's father
What is 3rd
In Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy humans are the ___ most intelligent species
What is 6
Scientists theorize we are facing the ___th mass extinction
What is the scarecrow
Gavin's role in the 7th grade play
What is yellow dwarf
The type of star the sun is
What is Paris
Killer of Achilles
What is the story of gilgamesh
The oldest piece of literature
What is underwater volcanos earthquakes or avalanches
The three causes of tsunami's
What is Gavin
Gavin's favorite friend