Spooky | Relationships | Trauma | Self | Random |
How many chickens do you think you could fight off and what's your plan?
Would you rather your parents or your boss be able to read your mind?
What kid's movie scarred you and what part and why?
What are 3 things you're willing to splurge on for yourself and why?
If you punch yourself in the face and it hurts are you weak or strong?
Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
What advice would you give a younger person that they would never take but they should? Why?
What is your most embarrassing moment and why?
What reality TV show would you appear on? Why?
hate it
Besides the obvious, what kind of animal would be the scariest to be swarmed by?
Would you be friends with yourself and why?
Who in your life was the last person to make you cry and why?
hooo boy
Do you like your name? If so, why? If not, what other name would you go by?
that's right
What animal would be the kindest if it could speak?
What conspiracy theory are you most willing to believe and why?
ugh her?
What celebrity do you wish you would run into walking around town? Why?
well shit
Is there anything you know you should let go of and haven't yet? Why?
If you could change anything about the way you were raised what would it be and why?
that's gonna be an oof from me
What is it that you keep wanting to smell despite the fact that it doesn't smell particularly good?
Do you have a hunch about the way you will die?
sure jan
What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?
What is one thing in your life you regret and why?
What do you like most about yourself and what do you like the least about yourself? Why?
Would you rather have an ostrich or a giraffe as a roommate and why?