Horses in the Wild and Around Humans | Horses in Categories | Horses Ways of Moving | Horses' Senses | Colors of Horses |
Horses live in the wild, in barns, stalls, and pastures.
Where can horses live?
Many people put horses into categories by splitting them up into four groups.
How are horses usually put into categories?
A trot has two beats
How many beats does a trot have?
Binocular and monocular vision.
What type of vision does a horse have?
Pink skin and white hair.
What color skin and hair does a white horse have?
Horses travel in groups to stay safe from predators.
Why do horses travel in groups?
Draft horses, heavy harnesses, light harness/saddle, ponies
What are the four groups that horses can be put into?
Walk, trot, canter, gallop
What are the horses ways of moving from slowest to fastest?
A horses instinct is fight or flight.
What will a horse do if it is spooked?
No, there are many different colors of horses.
Is it true that there are very few colors of horses?
They find their own food and travel in groups so they can stay safe.
How do horses in the wild travel and get food?
The light harness or saddle group horses are used for races and riding because they are fast and have long, slim legs.
What are light harness or saddle horses used for?
A canter has three beats.
How many beats does a canter have?
Fight or flight means that the horse will either fight the threat, or run from it.
What does fight or flight mean?
A gray horse.
If a horse has black skin and white hair what is it called?
Horses around humans get fed by humans, are enclosed in an area, and groomed.
How are horses around humans treated?
Ponies are usually much smaller than the other types of horses.
What is very different about ponies compared to other types of horses?
Four ways of moving
How many ways of moving does a horse have?
Binocular and monocular vision means that you can't see directly in front or behind yourself.
What does it mean by binocular and monocular vision.
A palomino has yellow silvery hair, mane, and legs.
What does a palomino look like?
Horses can be used in shows, work, and races.
What can horses be used for?
Draft horses are wide bodied, strong. and heavy boned and used for pulling heavy loads. Most draft horses are work horses.
What are draft horses used for and what do they usually look like?
All four feet come off the ground.
While galloping, what is something that happens to all four feet?
Horses can bight, kick, thrust their heads forward, or swish their tail.
How can horses protect themselves?
A bay has red-brown to golden-brown hair and the other has red-gold hair. Also a bay has a black tail, mane, and legs.
What is the difference between a bay and a chestnut horse.