Breeds | Markings | Confirmation | Biology | Misc. Horse Terms |
What is Appaloosa
A blanket with spots on the rear of the horse is usually found on what breed of horse?
What is stocking
What is a white leg marking that is from the coronet to the knee?
What is Chestnuts
What is the horny growth on the inside of the horse's leg?
What is the heart
The "Pump" for the cardiovascular system is called what?
What is Trim hooves and put on horseshoes
What does the farrier do?
What is Percheron
What draft breed is known as the breed of blacks and grays?
What is Coronet, Pastern, Ankle, Sock or half stocking, stocking, distal spots
What are 3 leg Markings?
What is brown
What color is the normal horse's eye?
What is an animal who only eats plants
What is a Herbivore?
What is gallop or run
What is the fastest gait of the Horse?
What is Hackney Pony
What pony breed is used almost entirely for showing in harness classes?
What is Vertical strips of black and white
What must the hooves show to be a registered Appaloosa?
What is Directly behind the horse's hindquarters
What area around the horse can not be seen by the horse without moving it's head?
What is 8-16 times/minute
What is the normal respiration for a horse at rest?
What is Pole Bending, Barrels, Key Race, Plug Race, Flag race, LT special
Give 3 examples of Gymkhana Events
What is Palomino
What is the name of the breed of horse that is registered for its "golden" color?
What is Bald Face
What Face marking covers the front of the face and extends over the sides of the face and sometimes around the eyes?
What is cow-hocked
If the points of the horse's hock turn inward the horse is called what?
What is 24
How many molars does an adult horse have?
What is 4 inches
In reference to horse measurement, how big is a hand?
What is Tennessee Walking Horse, Colorado Ranger/Rangerbred horse, Missouri Fox Trotter.
Name two breeds of horses that are named after different states in the U.S.A?
What is Medicine Hat
Name the face markings on the Spanish Mustangs that was supposed to have supernatural powers and was especially favored by the Cheyenne Indian?
What is paddling
What is it called when a pigeon toes horse throws the front feet outward while traveling?
What is 36
How many ribs does the horse have?
What is dressage
What is the french word for training?