What is Horses have served us faithfully while playing an important role in history. It is the author's feeling or judgement that horses have served us faithfully. It can't be proved true or false.
Find one statement of opinion from the introduction at the top of p. 264. How do you know it is an opinion?
answers will vary
Find a statement of fact about the Pony Express on page p.265
What is The Pony Express delivered mail to California in ten days.(Fact) The Pony Express delivered mail very quickly.(opinion)
The Pony Express delivered mail to California in ten day. The Pony Express delivered mail very quickly. Which is fact and which is opinion.
Answers will vary
Create a statement of fact.
What is well-supported opinion. In the first paragraph of p. 267 the author supports the opinion by describing the harsh conditions they faced. I think these dangers support the opinion.
How does the author support the opinion that the riders were brave? Explain why this is a well-supported or faulty opinion.
What is In first paragraph, the author says the horses were brave and supports the opinion with the fact that the horses would continue to the next station without their riders.
Read p. 267 to find an opinion and explain how the author supports it.
What is On p. 265 the author says that the Pony Express riders galloped at top speed, so I think that they needed to be light weight so they would not slow down their horse.
Why would Pony Express riders have had to meet a certain weight requirement? Give evidence from the text to support your answer.
Answers will vary
Create a statement of opinion.
What is On p. 269, paragraph three, it says the sight of the bridge "made Tschiffely's blood run cold," and that the bridge was "old" So rickety must mean old and unsafe
Give an example of a context clue you can use to tell the meaning of the word rickety.
What is Horses do seem to have a sixth sense. In the story, the horses helped save Tschiffely's life in Peru a number of times.
Do horses seem to have a sixth sense that warns them about danger? Explain your answer with text evidence.
What is These sentences are statements of opinion. The clue words are loved, well-timed, and graceful.
Reread the last paragraph of p. 272. Are the sentences statements of fact or opinion? Identify clue words that helped you.
What is Golden color and white mane and tail are facts. To say something is beautiful is an opinion. I can check a reference book to verify.
The statement "He was a beautiful golden color with a white, flowing mane and tail" contains statements both of fact and of opinion. Which part of the sentence is a statement of fact? Which part is a statement of opinion? Explain how to verify what is a fact and what is an opinion.
remove "the best" and add "a"
Change the following sentence so it becomes a statement of fact. Lebron James is the best basketball player.
answers will vary
The Pony Express riders and their horses showed bravery in many situations. Think of one other way that people and animals show bravery?
answers will vary
Change the following sentence to make it a statement of opinion. Mr. Pasuco is a teacher.
What is He knew his horse would hear am ambush before he would
Pony Bob Haslam kept watching his pony's ears. What did he think his morse might hear?

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