Anatomy | Behavior | Colors | Breeds | Conformation |
White line
What part of the foot separates the wall & the sole?
By watching its head & ears
How do you read your horse's intentions as you approach it?
Some shade of red (ranges from yellowish red to mahogany red -- mane & tail are usually the same color as the body)
Describe the color chestnut
What is the term for a horse ridden to a hunt meet?
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Bug eyed bovine eyes
What is the term for protruding eyes?
Shock absorption
The spring-like action which absorbs concussion during movement is called what?
Charging is seen most commonly in what type horse?
What pinto pattern has a dark base color with white spots?
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Missouri Fox Trotter
Which breed was developed from saddle horses by settlers in the Ozarks?
Cannon not centered on knee OR off-set knees
What are bench knees?
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Tidal volume
What is the term for the total amount of inspired air?
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Large, wide-set eyes
What makes it possible for a horse to have more forward & rear vision than other animals?
What do you call a variation of the red dun color - body color is light copper with mane & tail a darker shade?
Tennessee Walker
Black Allen (Allen P-1) is the foundation sire of which breed?
To deliver power to the stride
Why do you want straight leg as viewed from behind?
Weight of rider too far back
What lessens the horse's propelling power?
Giving of care & attention between 2 horses
What it epimeletic behavior?
Eumelanin - controls black or brown
Pheomelanin - controls red or yellow
2 part question: The pigment melanin comes in 2 forms. Name them & the colors they control
True breeding buckskin breed from Spain
What is a Sorria?
Horse uses it as a balance arm
Why is the neck an important conformation point?
Minute volume (total amount of air inspired or expired per minute)
In measuring respiratory capabilities of the horse, tidal volume & respiratory rate are used to determine what respiratory parameter?
About 65 degrees directly in front of its head
What is the range of a horse's binocular vision?
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Ivory color with rusty points
Describe the color perlino
Cremello & perlino
Which color horses now registered as "cream" were originally registered as Albino types A & B?
Reduces efficiency & detracts from coordination
What does excess lateral movement of the feet cause?