Functions | Hormones | Location | Trivia educational | Trivia uneducational |
What are the ovaries?
This gland has the role of secreting Estrogen and Progesterone to initiate female characteristics and prepares the lining of the uterus for pregnancy
What is the Hypothalamus?
TRH is secreted by this gland.
What is the hypothalamus?
This gland is located in the brain above the pituitary glands.
What is the thymus?
This gland grows until puberty and is largest in children and then slowly becomes fatty tissue.
What is Italian?
This is Mr. Michael Catiglione's nationality.
What is melatonin?
This hormone has the function of regulating sleep cycles
What is the posterior pituitary?
ADH and oxytocin are secreted by this gland.
What is the thyroid?
This gland in located in the throat.
What are glands?
Endocrinology is the study of this.
Who are Mr. Jones' children?
They are Drew, Ellyn, and Westley.
What is testosterone?
This hormone helps develop male characteristics.
What is the Thyroid gland?
T3, T4, and calcitonin are secreted by this gland.
What is the pancreas?
This gland is located in the abdomen.
What is the thyroid gland?
This gland is enlarged in a goiter.
What is Coffman?
Mr. Rabold and Mr. Jones went to high school here.
What is thymosin?
This hormone aids in the development of T cells which are part of the immune system
What is the Pancreas?
Insulin and Glucagon are secreted by this gland.
What is the thymus?
This gland is located in the chest between the lungs.
What is hypothyroidism?
This is when people have low metabolism and weight gain because of the decreased functioning of a gland.
What is with the phrase "I'm out"?
This is how Mr. Rabold ends his video lectures.
What is epinephrine?
This hormone causes an increased heart rate and blood pressure as a fight-or-flight response and redirects blood to the muscles.
What is the Anterior Pituitary?
GH, FSH, LH, and TSH are secreted by this gland.
What are the adrenal glands?
This gland is located above the kidneys.
What is the number of iodine atoms?
This is the chemical difference between T3 and T4.
What is 45%?
This percent of Biomed students are from Jerome.