The Land of Yesterday The Aboriginals of Canada Life in Upper Canada in the 1800s The Immigrant Experience Miscellaneous
1791 - The Constitutional Act creates Upper and Lower Canada.
In what year was Upper and Lower Canada created?
Aboriginals - the Aboriginals (First Nations and Inuit Peoples) had lived in what is now Canada for thousands of years before people from Europe.
Who was first in Canada? Europeans or Aboriginals?
An American who supported England when America was fighting to be an independent country. Many of them moved to Canada after American became its own country.
What is a "Loyalist"?
A person who has moved from their home country and now lives in a different country. Upper and Lower Canada had many immigrants from Europe and America during the 1800s.
What does immigrant mean?
Name one common vegetable (or plant) that came from the Aboriginals of North of America.
French (and most people in Upper Canada spoke English).
Most people in Lower Canada spoke which language?
Disease and Illness
Loss of Land
Fighting / War / Killing
Name 1 way Europeans hurt First Nations and their way of life.
Cutting down forest (clearing land) - usually to make space for the village to grow with more farms or roads.
What was usually a newcomer's first task in Upper Canada?
Coffin Ships
Many poor people who traveled to Canada, did so upon cargo ships not meant for people. This ships were full of disease and death. What did people call these ships?
The Beaver
What is Canada national animal? (It was very popular to make hats from this animal.)
The Hudson Bay Company - it claimed all lands drained by rivers flowing into Hudson Bay.
What company controlled a large area called Rupert's Land?
Fur - The fur trade was very prosperous in the natural areas of British North America.
Most Aboriginals were involved in trading ________ with Europeans.
Between 2500 - 4999. Most settlements had fewer than 2500 people, the biggest, Kingston, had between 2500 and 4999 people living there.
Most cities in Upper Canada were small in population. About how many people lived in the biggest cities of Upper Canada in 1825?
Land - Almost everyone who came to Upper Canada wanted to own and farm land.
Why did so many people from Europe want to live in Upper Canada? What did almost everyone want to own / get when they arrived?
The Family Compact.
What was the name of the small group of people who controlled the government and money of Upper Canada?
The War of 1812 - America declared war against Britain and its colonies, including Upper and Lower Canada.
In what war did America attack Canada?
They were children of first nations and European parents. They were of both Aboriginal and European descent.
Who are the "Métis"?
This is a "barter economy".
In Upper Canada, there were few banks in the 1800s and most people did not use money. Instead they traded supplies. For example, a farmer might pay for some new tools with corn instead of money. This is an example of what type of economy?
-Most of the good land was already owned by absentee landlords or land speculators.
- The land that wasn't owned already was very expensive or very far away from cities and markets.
- The Crown (King / Queen / Government) and the Clergy (the Church) were
What are 2(two) reasons why it was difficult for newcomers to Upper Canada to own land?
About a year
Clearing the land was normally a new immigrant's first job. About how long did it take to clear a hectare (about a city block) of land?
Montreal - A busy trading city that was mostly French-speaking but was also attracting Scottish and American entrepreneurs (businessmen).
What was the capital of Lower Canada
1763 - The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was meant to protect their land but still the government was planning to gain control of land through other treaties.
In what year was there a "Royal Proclamation" to provide protection to First Nations' land rights?
Small log cabins - These are small houses they people built with from trees, normally built by themselves.
Most newcomers in Upper Canada lived in what type of houses?
About half (50%)
in 1832, how many of the new immigrants arriving in Canada were seriously ill?
"Upper Canada" was up stream on the St. Lawrence river. People needed to go against the water to get further "up" the river.
"Lower Canada" was down stream on the St. Lawrence river.
"Upper Canada" was South and West, down on a map.
"Lower Canada" was more North and East, up on a map.
Why do their names seem to be the opposite to what they were? Why were they name "Upper" and "Lower" Canada

Horizons - Week 5 & 6 Review - pg. 45-58

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