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What is 37?
This prime number is the number of rights in the North Carolina Declaration of Rights
What is one billion dollars?
The Wake County annual budget recently exceeded this amount.
What is 33?
Of the 50 seats in the North Carolina State Senate, this is the number held by Republicans.
What is a deficit?
The name for the amount by which a government's expenditures exceed its tax revenues.
What is by convention or legislative referendum?
legislative referendum requires 2/3 vote of each house in the General Assembly followed by a majority vote of the people.
This is one of two methods to amend the North Carolina Constitution being used for this fall's vote to allow the waiver of jury trial in non-capital criminal cases.
What is they're not in the Bill of Rights?
They're addressed in Article 9 of the Constitution.
Protections against Bills of attainder, ex post facto, and Habeas Corpus are included in this amendment in the Bill of Rights?
What is 4 years?
The length of term for an elected Wake County Commissioner.
What is 51?
50 states and the District of Columbia
The number of political entities that have electoral votes
What is the power to levy an individual income tax?
The sixteenth amendment gave Congress this power.
What is a gerrymander?
The Drawing of congressional districts in partisan fashion is called this lizard-like name.
What is the opportunity to receive a sound basic education?
The Case of Leandro vs. State of North Carolina helped to define this right in the North Carolina Declaration of Rights
What are support services?
This is the single largest budget item in the City of Cary's annual budget of 261 million dollars.
What is 710,000? (700,000 is acceptable)
This is the approximate average population of a North Carolina congressional district?
What is they are paid the same amount?
The salary is approximately $174,000/year.
A regular member of the US House of Representative is paid how much less per year than a regular member of the US Senate?
Where is Washington D.C.?
The 23rd Amendment finally gave the people living in the nation's capital a say in Presidential elections.
In 1961 the residents of this place were fully granted the right to vote for the President of the United States for the first time.
What is the 7th amendment right?
gives right to jury trial in civil matters exceeding $20
The sixth amendment guarantees a defendant's right to a jury trial in a criminal trial. This is the other amendment in the Bill of Rights that specifically guarantees a right to jury trial.
Who is Donnie Harrison?
Donnie Harrison and Willie Rowe are the candidates for Wake County Sheriff. This one is the incumbent.
What is all or 100%?
North Carolin'as General Assembly potentially turns over completely every two years.
In North Carolina, this percentage of seats in the House of Representatives and the State Senate go up for election every two years.
What is remove state mandated limits on public school class sizes?
In 2013, State Senator Tamara Berringer was a primary sponsor for the North Carolina Public Schools Budget Flexibility Act. The law did this.
What is 60?
This many votes are currently needed to end debate or for cloture in the U.S. Senate.
What is U.S. Citizenship
The U.S. Constitution did not define this until 1869.
What is at large voting? or What is all voters in Wake County vote in all County Commission Districts?
Wake County Commission District 3 has approximately 93,000 voters in its borders. In 2010 more than 250,000 voters cast ballots for the District 3 Commissioner for this reason.
What is 8?
There was no popular vote for President in 1800 and North Carolina's electors did not have to vote as a bloc.
In the Presidential election of 1800, how many people in North Carolina voted for Thomas Jefferson for President
What is the origination clause?
It is also claled the revenue clause.
The clause in the Constitution that requires that all bills for raising funding start in the U.S. House of Representatives is most commonly known as this.
What are counties?
In 1966 Reynolds vs. Sims established the principal of one person one vote which made designating General Assembly seats by county unconstitutional.
Prior to 1966 members of the Carolina house of representatives represented these instead of districts based on population