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False, they have your best interest at mind even if they don't understand how everything works
It’s a good idea to keep accounts my parents don’t know about, since they don’t understand social media?
False, what is in your mind will eventually come out.
Is it okay to have bad thoughts as long as I don’t act on them?
In school, also could be sleeping.
Where do most teens spend the most time?
True or False, people see me the same way regardless of how I dress.
False, our minds will think about the things we hear.
The words in the music I listen to don’t matter.
True or False, posting something bad on Facebook can cause me to lose my job?
Taste, Touch, Smell, See, Hear
What are the five senses that control what goes into my mind?
It's not just what we say to others it is also important our actions to friends and teachers at school.
Isaiah says “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.” how is this applicable to being a student?
How I dress is a reflection of what is in my heart/mind.
Dancing, venting, studying, worshiping, performing, relaxing, motivation, running
Name 4 things you can use music for?
If I don't have time to get my school work done, my chores, or any time for God.
How do I know if I’m spending too much time online?
It cleans what is in my mind and helps me think about good things.
How does God’s word affect my mind?
What are my interests, what are my strengths, how can I honor God with it
What are 2 of 3 things I should consider when choosing a college or degree?
If other people have issues with what I wear that is only their problem.
False, listening to music with bad words or saying bad things should be avoided, other music has its place.
Listening to secular (non-christian music) is wrong and should always be avoided.
Predators, pictures I post, things I say
Name two things I need to be careful of online?
To see God and become more like Him.
What should my primary goal be for having a pure mind?
Excellence, Honesty and Integrity, Thankful, Use your influence, Love Others
What are 3 of 5 ways to honor God in school that Moses mentioned?
False as long as it is for the right occasion/reason
It is wrong to dress in fancy clothes.
Worship music to help me remember what God has done, encouraging music to help me feel more positive.
List one way I can use music to be a positive influence in my life.
At the end of 2016 how many users did facebook have?
Control my 5 senses, associate and dwell on good things and immediately put bad things out of my mind with good.
If I want to change what I think about what can I do?
Be Kind, Use your words to build up, Serve, Share the Gospel
What are 3 of 4 ways I can show love to others at school?
Man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart
What does 1 Samuel 16:7 say?
Let them know I don't want to listen to it because I don't want to be like the person the music is representing. Leave if I need to.
If I’m with friends that want to play music with bad words, or a bad message what should I do?