vocab trivia/hypotheticals types of coverage
What is deductible
The amount the policyholder must pay per loss before the insurance company will pay anything.
What is peril
Hurricane -- peril or hazard?
What is only get the depreciated value of your property
If you have an Actual Cash Value (ACV) policy and your property is damaged, ...
-you will only get the depreciated value of your property
-you will get a new replacement of your property
What is hazard
Anything that increases the likelihood of loss through a peril.
What is hazard
Unlocked pool gate -- peril or hazard?
What is HO 3 & HO 5
Which two types of coverage are best for single-family homes?
-HO 7 & HO 4
-HO 3 & HO 5
-HO 1 & HO 2
What is negligence
The failure to take ordinary or reasonable care to prevent accidents from happening.
What is deadbolt locks on doors and alarm system
Greta is moving into her first apartment. To REDUCE THE RISK of theft, she should ...
-move into a house instead
-Put money into a savings account
-Purchase renters insurance
-put deadbolt locks on doors and purchase an alarm system
What is Replacement
Which plan would make you able to repair or rebuild your home up to the original value?
What is peril
Anything that may cause a loss.
What is declare the plates
Bernie wants to insure his antique plates that are worth over $25,000. He should...
-"declare" the plates and get specific coverage for them
-do nothing. They are already covered by his HO insurance
What is no
Are natural disasters covered in HO insurance?

Homeowners Insurance

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