Matrimony | Holy Orders | Who performs the Sacrament? | Deacons, Priests and Bishops | Vocab and Trivia |
What is charity
This is a gift from God that enables us to love him and to love our neighbor
What is commitment
Holy orders is one of the two sacraments of...
What is any catholic in emergency situations
What is a diocese
A local area of the church lead by a Bishop
What is to make holy
To Sanctify
What is the priest or deacon
The official witness of the church during the sacrament of matrimony
What is
The leadership of the Church can be traced back to...
What is a priest or bishop
What are deacons.
These men share in Christ's mission by assisting bishops and priests in the service of the Church
What is the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
The name of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Sacramento
At a wedding feast
Jesus performed his first miracle here
What is mass
The Sacrament takes placed during this
What is Matrimony and Baptism
The Sacraments that a deacon can confer or witness
What are bishops
These men receive the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
What is 12
There are this many diocese in CA
What are the wedding rings or unity candle
This can be considered A Sacramental of Matrimony.
What is the priesthood
Some deacons remain unmarried as a step towards this
What are the Sacraments of Holy Orders and Confirmation
These are the Sacraments that only a bishop can normally confer
What are permeant deacons
Men who receive Holy orders, but can marry
What is the Franciscans or Dominicans, ect
Another order or priesthood beside the Jesuits
What is the Marriage Covenant
This is modeled on Christ's love for his church
What is ordination
The act of receiving holy orders
What is the wedding couple
What is the episcopate
This is the class of which a priest who becomes a bishop is ordained into
What is to teach
Jesuits must do this before becoming a priest.