Origin | Symbols | Rituals | Requirements | Meaning |
What is the Last Supper?
When was the first Holy Eucharist?
What is Bread and Wine?
What are the symbols of Holy Eucharist?
What is the part of the mass where you celebrate Holy Eucharist?
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
What is grace?
In what mental state must you be in, in order to receive Holy Eucharist?
What is
What is the Eucharist a memorial
What is Thanksgiving?
Where did the word "Eucharist" come from?
What is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ?
What does the Bread and Wine truly represent?
What is False?
True or False: During the dismissal right, the Priest says, "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord."
What is Mortal Sins?
What kind of sins must you be free from in order to receive?
What is God making himself truly presence?
What is the Doctrine of Real Presence?
What is Death and Resurrection?
What is the Holy Eucharist a memorial of?
What is unleavened bread?
What is the Eucharist made up of?
What is the priest?
Who says “Jesus took bread, gave thanks and said this is my body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”
What is False?
True or False: Non-Christians are allowed to receive Holy Eucharist?
What is a sacrifice for our sins?
Why does Christ give us His own body and blood in the Holy Eucharist?
What is "Do this in memory of Me."?
What did Jesus say to his disciples at the Last Supper?
What is transubstantiation?
What is the changing of the Body and Blood into Jesus Christ?
What is Sunday?
When is the Eucharist celebrated on this day in memory of Christ's resurrection?
What is "AMEN"?
What word must you say before receiving?
What is yes?
Is all of Jesus present in the Eucharist?
What is The Sacrificial Lamb?
What is the connection between Passover and Holy Eucharist?
What is Holy Eucharist?
What is the remembrance of the sacrafice Jesus made for us?
What is the part of the Mass when celebrants prepare the altar for Communion?
What is the preparation of the Gifts?
What is to kneel or stand and pray to God?
What must you do after receiving Holy Eucharist?
What is yes?
Is the Roman Catholic Church the only Church that believes Jesus is truly transformed into the bread and the wine?