People | Jobs | Concentration Camps and ghettos | The American Response | Leaders of Concentration Camps |
What is Adolph Hitler
Who was Germany's leader
What is Prevent the Jews from escape
What did the German soldiers do at the gates
What is Labor camps meant to hold what hitler called "enemies of the state"
Definition of Concentration Camp
What is 1942
What year did the American officials hear about the horrifying details
What is Rudolf Hoss
Who was the commander of Aushwitz
Anne Frank
Who was the Jewish girl who is famous for a diary she kept in WWII
What is Carry out hard labor
What were the prisoners mainly forced to do
What is neighborhoods in a city to which a group of people are confined
Definition of Ghetto
What is Layers of dead bodies
What did the Americans and British see when they first walked in the camps
What is a prisoner who was assigned to supervise the other prisoners
What was a Kapo
What is Nazi Government
Who came up with the final Solution
What is Baker
Who made the food in the ghettos
What is warsaw Poland
Where is the worst ghetto located
What is War Refugee Board
January 1944 President Roosevelt announced the creation of what
What is SS soldier
Who is the leader of the Concentration camps
What is Thoedor Eicke
Who was the commander of the SS division Totenkopf
textile workers
who made uniforms for german soldiers in ghettos
What is Baluty
What was the ghetto Mango was in
What is British
The Americans came together with who to the Concentration camps
What is Heinrich Himmler
Who was the SS leader
What is Josef Mengele
Who was the Angel of Death during WWII
What is Outside
Where did Prisoners do most of their work
What is Treblinka, a concentration camp
Most of the ghetto residents were sent off where
What is Dachau
At what camp did the inmates break out of their prison to meet the approaching American tanks
What is SS Death Head Units
Who was responsible for administering the Nazi Camps for the third Reich