Camping | Wareham | Dodge Ball | BC | Feeling Lucky? |
Eastern Slope Campground
What is the name of THE N. Conway Campground?
14 Turner Ave
What street and # do the Murphy's live on?
Average Joe's Gym
What is the name of their beloved gym?
What year did Mimi, John and Sue graduate?
Tracy and Tom
Within this crew, name 2 people who have a birthday in the same monty?
... I've got horrible news!
What infamous saying was shouted on the day of river rafting?
Hamilton Beach
What is the name of the beach down the street from the Murphy's?
How much money do they need to raise to save the gym?
What year did Doug Flutiie win the Hiesman Trophy?
Little Women
What play was Gracie just in?
Mt. Attitash
What mountain hosted the alpine slide?
the 100 year celebration parade
What celebration added 1.5 hours to travel time when trying to reach the town pier?
ESPN 8 the Ocho
What TV channel carries the broadcast?
How many thousand students at Boston College?
5 Washington St, Apt C6, Reading MA
What is Nanny's address?
Uncle Dan
Who's birthday typically took place during the camping trip?
the bike parade
What special parade takes place every July 4th?
American Dodgeball Association of America
What does ADAA stand for?
What is the name of the BC mascot?
What around the campfire game required quick reflexes and hand-antler coordination?
14 C
What camp site did we typically get on our stay?
What color hat has the DJ worn for the past 10 years?
the "Donkeys"
What is the name of the cheerleading team that wins first place?
What year was BC incorporated?
Home Depot
Where did Uncle John get his Christmas Tree?