Dessert and Presents | Nanny and the Kids | Christmas Through the Years | Cousins, Uncles, and Aunts | Christmas Around the World |
Under the tree
Where does Santa put the presents?
What is Nanny's proclaimed nickname, derived from her friendly personality and aptitude to engage in such cheerful conversation?
The Murphy's of Franklin
In past years Christmas brunch was held by whom?
Christmas Caroling
What musical escapade was taken by the family during the 2011 Christmas Eve party?
The North Pole
This is the location where Santa lives year round and oversees the making of ever one of his toys.
Secret Santa
This is the name for the gift getting and giving process in which no one knows who their gift-giver is.
No bond has ever arrived.
Did the kids get their bonds?
Auntie Mimi
Which aunt despises tinsel?
The Jesus Christ Memorial
This is the nickname that Danny Murphy gave to the wooden manger scene.
Siinter Klaucz is a translation for Santa Claus in which Language?
Yankee swap
This is the name for a gathering which allows guests to give their own presents away whilst finagling their mad skill to get them the best present.
Which child had 1 and 3/4 eyebrows in the 2005 Nanny and the Kids holiday picture?
The Murphy's of Franklin
This family owns a fake Christmas tree.
Dan: Murphy, Murphy, Zogby
Matt: Murphy, Zogby Tom: Zogby, Murphy
What are three names shared by multiple people in the family (including both sides)?
South Africa experiences this season at the time of Christmas.
Circular with a hole in the middle
(circular shall suffice)
Auntie Mimi's famous dessert platter is served on a dish of this shape.
Saint Joseph's
Nanny was valedictorian of this private high school.
Midnight Mass
What bandwagon Christmas event was attended last year after a hearty night of turning up?
Julia, Mimi, John, Matt, Aileen and Sue
Name all six family members (both sides) who attend or have attended Boston College.
Belgian Santa Claus comes to each house how many times?
Where do the Zogbys order the Christmas Eve dinner from?
Witherbee, NY
This is the town in New York where Nanny was Born.
A Christmas Cruise
This idea for a 2008 Christmas rendezvous, devised by Mimi and Sue, was immediately protested by the kids through chants of "hey, ho, we won't go!"
This cousin has the same name as one of the lakes in Nickerson State Park, a popular camping destination.
The Indian Ocean
Which ocean is Christmas Island located in?