Candy/Food | Movies | Celebrations | Songs | New Years |
What is gelt
What are the gold covered chocolate coins that are eaten on Hannukah?
What is Chicago, Illinois
Where was Home Alone shot?
What is commendation of oil that lasted 8 days and 8 nights and 9 candles
What is the meaning behind the menorah lighting and how many candles are there?
What is "You better not pout i’m telling you why"
finish the lyrics
“You better watch out, you better not cry” |
What is champagne
Traditional drink clinked on New Year's Eve?
What is nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and star anise
Name the four traditional spices in eggnog?
What is Jack Black, Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, and Jude Law
Name four actors who star in the movie where they switch homes for the holiday following break ups?
What is Sri Lanka and the United States
Which countries have the world's tallest artificial Christmas tree and the world's tallest real tree?
What is "The jingle bell hop has just begun"
finish this lyrics
“Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun” |
What is 1907 and 11875 pounds
The first year of the Times Square ball drop and the amount the ball weighs?
What is gravy, roasted vegetables and beef
What are Yorkshire pudding accompaniments?
What is 3.5 hours
The average time it took for Jim Carrey to transform into the Grinch with hair and makeup?
What is Black if for the people, Red is for the noble blood that unites, Green is for the rich land
What are the colors of Kwanza and bonus is you know the meaning?
What is "I don’t need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace"
finish the lyrics
"Don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree” |
What is Gregorian calendar
What calendar is new years calculated by in western societies?
What is the strabe (the straight part) and the warble (curved part)
Name the two sections of the candy cane?
What is It's a Wonderful Life
The number one all time holiday movie in the box office?
What is You spin a wooden top with letters and if it falls on gimel you win the gelt
Explain the game of dreidel bonus points if you can name the letters?
What is "I’m hiding from you and your soul of ice"
finish the lyrics
“A crowded room, friends with tired eyes” |
What is 354 days and end of jan or the beginning of feb
How many days in a lunar year and when does the new year typically take place?
What is created by the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane
Give us the best origin story for the Gingerbread Man?
What is Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Doner, Blizten
Name the eight reindeer in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
What is Swahili
Kwanza means first fruits of the harvest in what language?
What is "How he came to life one day"
finish the lyrics
“He was made of snow, but the children know” |
What is Diwali
What is the five day festival of lights called traditionally celebrated in India for the new year?