Do It For The Vine | Modern Slang and Internet Words | Christmas Spirits | Rapper Names | Obscure Traffic Laws (US) |
What is dog
Finish the popular phrase.
What the ____ doin? |
Cap is a phrase used to depict the act of lying.
Give the definition of "Cap"
What is mistletoe
When you step under this decoration with another the tradition is you two must kiss. What do you have to walk under?
What is KURUPT
Spell Rapper 1
What is True
True or false. In the state of California if your windshield wipers are on your headlights have to be on as well.
What is read
What is the skill that Jared never learned how to do?
What is D
When refering to the Oxford English Dictionary, which word was not added to it?
A. @ B. flex C. Reaction Gif D. Oop |
What language does the word "Present" Originate? Double Points if you can name both.
Spell Rapper 2
What is California
In which state is it illegal to use the road as a bed?
What is B
In King Bach's vine he shows a choir of African Americans who are refusing to sing. In order to get them working the conductor cuts a pair of Jordans. How many times does he cut the pair of Jordans?
A. 10 times B. 7 Times C. 13 times D. 15 times |
What is 2016
Which year was the word Yolo entered into the Oxford English Dictionary?
What is 1920
Coca-Cola is famous for marketing heavily with santa included on the labels. When did they start implementing Santa first? Give the Year within a 20 year difference.
What is XZIBIT
Spell Rapper 3
What is C
In which state is it illegal to drive while Blind folded?
A. Alaska B. California C. Alabama D. All of the Above |
What is None Pizza With Left Beef
What chaotic Domino's Pizza order became the running joke on Vine?
What is Streamer Ryan "Gootecks: Guturrez
The Video is Cross Counter Bloopers!
PogChamp is a popular emote used on the streaming platform twitch. What is the name of the man who made the original expression? Double points if you name the video in which the face appeared.
What is 280 AD
Most know that Santa has been ingrained in our society for countless years. How far back can Santa be traced back to? (Year) Will give it to you within a 100 year difference.
Spell Rapper 4
What is True (Colorado)
True or false, it is illegal to drive a black car on a sunday in Denver. Bonus 200 points if you name the state.
Fleek (Eyebrows on Fleek)
Vine user Peaches Monroee posted a video in which she celebrated her appearance--specifically her eyebrows, which started the spread of what positively descriptive word?
What is June 15, 2018
The user's name is Streamer Jerma
Give the release day, month and year that among us was released. Bonus 200 points if you can name the user who's face is creditted with spreading the word SUS.
Despite the origins of Santa there is a definitive age agreed upon. As of 2021--before his birthday) how old is Santa? (Must be exact)
What is 6ix9ine
Spell Rapper 5
What is Whales.
Which animal is illegal to shoot from a moving vehicle in Tennessee?