Holidays Around the World | Holiday Traditions | Festive Feasts | Fun Facts | Movies and Music |
What is Swahili
Kwanzaa comes from the phrase meaning "First Fruits" in which language
What is a Menorah
This candle holder for Hanukkah is lit each night for eight nights
What is Gelt
These chocolate coins are used to play dreidel
What is 8 (Rudolph isn't in this story.)
How many reindeer were in the story 'Twas the Night Before Christmas?
What is Elf
"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear,"
What is eight
Hanukkah is celebrated for how many days
What is Elf on the Shelf
Since 2005, parents have been either joyously or begrudgingly hiding this each night from Thanksgiving to Christmas
What is Maamoul
This shortbread cookie is primarily eaten Levantine countries like Syria and Lebanon. There are different variations of stuffing, usually dates, pistachios, or walnuts, and they are often covered in powdered sugar.
Who is Dick Clark
Which American television personality is most famous for hosting New Year’s Eve from Times Square on ABC?
What is It's a Wonderful Life
"Merry Christmas movie house! Merry Christmas Emporium! Merry Christmas you wonderful old Building and Loan!
What is Eid
Celebrated after Ramadan, this holiday translates to "The Festival of Breaking the Fast"
What is a Gingerbread House
This novelty confectionery shaped like a building that is made of cookie dough, cut and baked into appropriate components like walls and roofing and covered with a variety of candies and icing
What is Kugel
This traditional Jewish noodle casserole can either be sweet or savory
What is Maoz Tzur (מעוז צור)
A popular Hanukkah song that is often sung after reciting the Hanukkah (Chanukah) blessings and lighting the Menorah.
What is 4. In Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by four ghosts on Christmas Eve: Jacob Marley, and the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.
In a Christmas Carol how many ghosts visit Scrooge
What is Turkey
The original St. Nicholas was from this country
What is Black, red, and green (Fun fact: Black symbolizes the African people, red is for the struggle, and green is for the rich land of Africa.)
These three colors used in Kwanzaa
What is Eggnog
Known as "milk punch" this holiday treat is a rich, chilled, sweetened dairy beverage
What is Dreidel
What is the Yiddish word for “spinning top,” as played on Hanukkah?
What is I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night. She didn’t see me creep down the stairs to have a peep
In the song “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”, where are Mommy and Santa?
What is Germany
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
What is Eid al-Fitr
The festival holds a three-day celebration which involves the praying, feasting, family gatherings, exchanging gifts and helping the needy, but some countries may extend it to four.
What is Kwanzaa
Jollof rice, collard greens, grits, beans and rice, and okra are traditional sides at this celebration
Who is Dr Seuss
Who wrote, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more?”
What is The Polar Express
Tom Hanks was featured in this animated Holiday movie