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A BB Gun
What is the toy Ralphie desperately wants in A Christmas Story?
Who got run over by a reindeer on the way home from our house Christmas Eve?
Midnight mass in Brazil where a rooster announces the beginning of the ceremony
What is Missa de Gallo?
Milk and cookies
What do Americans leave for Santa on Christmas Eve?
What is the famous Christmas beverage that is also known as the “milk punch” with cinnamon?Eggnog
What is the name of the Grinch's dog in How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
Lords a-leaping
In the song Twelve Days of Christmas, what is given on the 10th day?
What is someone supposed to do when standing beneath a mistletoe?
What year did Santa Claus first appear in a Coca Cola ad?
What country was the original St. Nicholas from? Turkey
How many lights are on the Griswold house in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?
According to a popular Christmas song, what is ‘roasting on an open fire’?
In which country do people mostly commonly eat donuts called sufganiyot during Hanukkah?
Fish and other seafood. Depending on the household, the Feast of the Seven Fishes will consist of seven or more seafood dishes
What type of protein is served at the big meal in some Italian-American households on Christmas Eve?
Thomas Edison
Who assembled the first strand of electric Christmas lights?
Home Alone
What is the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
Silent Night
Which is the most-covered Christmas song of all time?
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
What cake-like holiday bread is shared by the cultures of Italy, Spain, France and South America, among others?
Up to 10 years
How long does it take to grow a Christmas tree?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen
What are the names of all eight Reindeer in “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer?”
Blue Christmas
King of rock & roll Elvis Presley sang which smooth Christmas tune?
In Mexico, children celebrate Christmas by breaking…?
What do Japanese people traditionally eat on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve?
The Nutcracker
What Christmas-themed ballet premiered in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1892?