Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Student Trivia (Ch.20-22) |
He wasn’t sure what "vile substance" (awful stuff) Mr. Sir might have put in it, and he was so thirsty he was afraid he would drink it.
Why did Stanley pour out the canteen of water?
A little log cabin on what used to be the edge of the lake, with 2 trees by it, possibly the Warden’s cabin.
Where did Kate Barlow live when she returned to the area?
Count the seconds between the lightning flash and the thunder, that’s how far it is.
How can you tell how far away a storm is?
He is protecting his teacher.
Why does Zero fight off Zigzag?
Rattlesnake Venom
What is the secret ingredient of the Warden?
Who was digging some of Stanley's hole for him?
Linda, a former student of Kate’s
Who had married Trout Walker?
They were hot and thirsty.
Why did the boys want it to rain?
He can’t read.
Why do the adults think Zero is stupid?
Because he knew that Stanley didn't steal the sack of or the sneakers.
Why did Zero dig Stanley's hole?
His last name was Zeroni.
Why did they call Hector Zero?
It was the shovel in her cabin.
How did they figure out that she had buried the treasure?
Nothing, he just blamed his no-good-pig-stealing-father.
What did Stanley’s great grandfather say about how he survived?
No, he is the best at math, and he is learning reading well.
Is Zero stupid? Explain by telling us what he is good at.
A couple of rattlesnakes hunters.
Who rescued Stanley's great-grandfather?
Chapter 7
Where have we heard the name Zeroni before?
A spotted lizard
What killed Kate Barlow?
A giant fist with the thumb sticking straight up.
When Stanley looked at the sky and the mountains, what did one rock formation look like?
There is no place to go.
Why don’t the adults stop Zero from leaving?
One hour.
How many hours per day did Zero offer to dig Stanley's hole so that Stanley could teach him?
Stanley's great-great-grandfather met a woman named Madame Zeroni, with whom he made and subsequently broke a promise. A few generations down the line, Stanley meets Zero, whose full name turns out to be Hector Zeroni.
What is the connection between the two people named Zeroni?
Start digging.
What were Kate Barlow’s last words?
The thumb, "as if it were the thumb of God" (Holes p.129).
In Stanley's mind, where was the lightning come out of?
A few days at the most.
How long can Zero survive in the desert without food or water?
He spent nearly a month in a hospital.
How long was Stanley's great-grandfather in a hospital?