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What is Rockstar ?
Who is the devloper of G.T.A. V?
Neptune or pluto
What is the last planet in the solar system ?
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
What is the most recent Star Wars movie?
Mr Lockhart
Who is the second defence against the dark arts teacher ?
A name for a instrument ?
What is PS2 ?
What is the best selling console of all time?
What is the smallest city in the world ?
Jeff Goldblum
Who is the actor for Ian malcom in the jurrasic park series ?
Elder wand, invis cloak, Stone
What items do you need to be the Master of Death ?
What is the material used for yoga/ bike pants (the general material)
When is 2004 ?
What is the release date of the orignal Far Cry?
What was the 27th letter of the alphabet ?
Back to the future
What movie features a DeLorean ?
Philosopher's stone
What is the name of the stone that turns annything to gold?
What is a flat bread, that is seen in Asian cuisine ?
What is 32 ?
How many levels does the orignal Super Mario have?
Superposition What is it called when a sub atomic particle is both dead and alive ?
What is the highest grossing movie of all time ?
Rowena Ravenclaw
What is the name of the founder of Ravenclaw ?
What is the categry of a disease that only affects a people from a particular area?
What is The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall ?
What is the largest open world game map?
When was the first "modern" Olympics held ?
Roundhay Garden Scene
What is the first movie ?
First name of Grave ?
What is the name for a sugar substitute, a type of sugar alcohol ?