HMIS Functionality | Data Validation | Snapshots | Training | Data Quality |
What is the client listing page?
This page allows you to search for a client in all of HMIS to see if they already have a client record.
What is Unaccompanied?
When a 17 year old enters your program with her 1 year old daughter, the household's family type should be this.
What is the Program Entry Date?
The date of the first snapshot in an enrollment should be this date.
What is the Mark for Delete training?
This training teaches users how to delete enrollments from HMIS.
What is 3 days?
This is number of days you have to enter client data in HMIS after it is collected
What is the "add to my organization" button?
This button allows you to edit the record of a client who is already in HMIS and requesting services at your agency
What is Approximate or Partial DOB Reported?
If your client does not know their year of birth, you can calculate it using their age and select this DOB code.
What is two?
When an enrollment is exited from HMIS, it should have at least this many snapshots.
What is HMIS Part III Data Validation training?
This training teaches users how to analyze client's intake and exit information.
What is project entry, annual assessment and project exit?
Health insurance, income, non-cash benefits, and disability status data should be collected at these points of contact with clients.
What is data not collected?
This answer option is available for all Universal Data Elements, and should be used when the case manager does not have an answer to a question.
What is Adults no Children?
If a mother enters a project with her 19 year old son, the family type for the household should be this.
What is the Update CI button?
Pressing this button after updating a snapshot will change the central intake page to reflect the most current information in the snapshot.
What are HMIS Parts I, II, and III trainings?
All new HMIS users must attend these training.
What is Category 1 - Homeless?
This housing status is defined as an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
What is the Enroll Clients in Program, Entry page or Program Entry page, HMIS button?
This is where you enter the data element approximate start date.
What is Place not Meant for Human Habitation?
Chronically Homeless should be 'No' if a client doesn't come from an Emergency Shelter, Safe Haven, or what other location.
What is program entry and program exit?
Snapshots are automatically created at these two times.
What is 30 days?
After completing part II training, you have this many days to complete HMIS Part III training.
What is Category 3 – Homeless only under other Federal Statutes?
This Housing Status should not be used for any clients, as Orange County does not receive funding for these clients specifically.
What are application reports?
This type of report can be run for individual clients and show data for their enrollments
What is Two Parents?
If a mother and father enter project with their son, the family type for the household should be this.
What is the Program Exit Date?
The date of the last snapshot in an enrollment should be this date.
What is reports training?
This training teaches users how to create ad-hocs.
What is Other?
Most questions have this option but it should not be used unless the responses do not fit with the answer.