How do I size up? | Quality | Money, Money, Everywhere. | As organized as our health care system | It is not Affordable and Act like they don't Care |
What is Children's Health Insurance Program?
As one of Obama's first orders of business, he added $33 billion dollars in federal funds over the next four years with this act.
What are structure process outcome?
Donabedian's triad for assessing quality.
What are the Prices?
What is the Affordable Care Act?
This did NOT cause the erosion of employer-sponsored health insurance coverage.
What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?
The full name of Obamacare.
What is reduce adverse selection?
Medicare Part D is voluntary, but penalties apply if you decide to enroll later. What’s the reasoning for these penalties?
What are processes?
The key element of quality over which clinicians have the most direct control.
What is Part A?
The financing of this Part of Medicare is in Jeopardy!
What is an unintended consequence?
The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 required documentation of citizenship status, and as a result of this policy, tens of thousands of low-income citizens have been denied coverage or disenrolled from Medicaid. This is an...
What are incentives to cover preventive services, remove cost-sharing for preventive services, payment increases to primary care providers, expansion, etc.
Obamacare affects Medicaid in these three ways.
What is 97%?
The top half of the population accounts for approximately this much of health care spending per year?
What are life expectancy and infant mortality?
These two measures are used as indicators of the health of a population.
What is not worry about quality, not bear financial risk, not focus on improving patient's health.
Salary payments provides this incentive to physicians.
What is annual salary of a full-time minimum wage worker?
The equivalent to average annual employer-sponsored health insurance premium (employer + employee contribution) in 2013, valued at $16,351.
What are freezing payments to Medicare Advantage, creation of the IPAB, removal of cost sharing for preventive services, ACOs, close donut hole, etc.
Obamacare affects Medicare in these three ways.
What is growing at a slower rate (3.9% in 2010!)
The past few years, health care cost growth in the US has been doing this.
What is the Hispanic epidemiological paradox?
The fact that Latinos are healthier than expected based on their low income and education is described by this term.
What are Medicare and Medicaid?
These two programs pay for almost 50% of health care charges- good things we don't have government involvement in our health care system.
What is managed care?
Over 85% of the privately insured and 70% of Medicaid enrollees are in this.
What is March 23, 2010?
The date President Barack Obama signed the ACA.
What are the statistic must assume actual interaction with the health care system, it must measure something the system can affect, and it must be consistently measured across nations.
What are the three characteristics that a measure of quality of a health care system should possess?
Who is Ignaz Semmelweis?
Ultimately dying in an insane asylum in 1865, this man noted the connection between hand washing and reduced postpartum deaths, pushing for data driven action.
What is $2.6 trillion and 18%?
In 2010, health care spending was $ and % percent of GDP.
What is association not causation?
After Medicare was enacted in 1965, the percent of elderly in poverty dramatically declined. In class, we discussed the simultaneous occurrence of these two events as:
What is Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act HCERA?
The PPACA was amended by this piece of legislation.