Heat, Light or Sound? | Light | Sound | Heat |
What is a grill a source of?
What is made up of many colors?
High volume - loud
What kind of volume does a fire truck have?
Rubbing your hands together
What is one way to use your body to make heat?
Light and heat
What is the sun a source of?
Lamps, fires, the sun
What are some sources of light?
a baby crying, a small dog barking, or a bird chirping
Name two things that make high pitch sounds.
An oven mit
What might a person use to protect their hands from heat when cooking?
What does a guitar string vibrating make?
It moves to the other side of the window. It does not bend.
What happens when light passes through a clear window? Does it bend?
A piano, a horn, and a triangle
What are some things that make sound?
A fire, the sun, a grill
List some sources of heat.
What is made up of many colors?
When it goes through water
When does light bend?
How loud or quiet a sound is.
What is volume?
What does heat pass through slowly?
What can be made when you rub two objects together?
All the colors of the rainbow.
What is white light made out of?
How high or low a sound is
What is pitch?
What does heat pass through quickly?