Chapter 1-7 | Chapter 8-12 | Chapter 13-17 | Chapter 18-23 | Chapter 24-28 |
All Egyptians are cruel and evil; all Canaanites are cowardly and dishonorable
What Stereotypes does Uriah hold at the start of the book especially towards the Egyptians and the Canaanites?
The Hebrews have no leader and are scattered
Why can the Canaanites harm the Hebrews?
Five tribes, about 10,000 men will fight…enslave…kill…this is open-ended
Who will fight the Canaanites and why?
Have the priests of Moloch and Chief Elders already decided that Uriah is guilty, yes or no?
The true king of Egypt, the oldest son of the oldest son descended from Nefertiti; when lady Merris sees him, she gains strength to order Mehitabel to leave with Uriah and Ahmoses
Who is Ahmoses and how does his identity help Mehitabel?
They are traded foreigners, captured as prisoners of war from desert slavers, or captured Hebrews from the hills
Where do the slaves of Tyre come from?
He resides in the Ark of the Covenant during the time of judgment
Where does God dwell in the book?
Chief of Harosheth, captain of the hosts of Canaan, heavy-handed head of a predator city, a great warrior who knows Hittite warfare using horses and chariots, also a friend of Uriah’s father
Who is Sisera?
The rain softens the ground, and the chariots stick in the mud; the Israelites advance in an orderly way and the Canaanites scatter
How do the Israelites triumph against the Hittite Chariots?
He flees to the tents of Heber, where Heber's wife, Jael, welcomes Sisera and feeds home; while he sleeps, she drives a tent peg through his skull with a hammer
How does Sisera die?
Describe to me the working environments of the slaves Uriah saw in Tyre.
The Hebrews have no leader and are scattered
Why can the Canaanites harm the Hebrews?
They went to get water from the spring, and slave traders/ lookout from the Midianite caravan
Who tried to capture Uriah and Tamar when they went to grab what at the midday meal?
Uriah collects a ransom, then tells the captain he knows the captain's wrong-doings in the past, so the captain releases him in exchange for Uriah's silence
How does Uriah escape slavery?
He met with Barak who encouraged him to try to follow God. So Uriah went to the tabernacle to ask to see God. The guard there said there was no image of Him in the Ark because how could a man make an image of a God so great? Uriah thinks about this and decides the God who could create the Moon and the Sun must be greater than all others
How did Uriah decide to follow the one True God?
Jotham holds him against his will with a knife against his throat
How does Uriah get roped into the rescue of Jabin? What happens?
Do you think the Hebrews are afraid of becoming slaves? Why or why not?
Sisera would have made Labarnash drag Uriah to Tyre because Sisera loves Harosheth and the gods more than he loved Uriah’s father
Had Uriah lied to Sisera what would have happened to him and why?
The Philistines are in power, so Achil has taken over Ethbaal's house
In what way have things changed in Tyre since Uriah left?
Give an example of how one of the characters has changed throughout the book. Tell me how they were like before, and how they are now.
What ultimately fuels Uriah's journey at the beginning of our book?
Tell me about Deborah. Who is she? What is her job? And what was her significance in the Bible (we read about this in class)?
Why does Uriah have such a hard time choosing what God to follow?
Why do you feel Uriah ran back to the Canaanites and fought for them when the Hebrews had taken him in?
Do you feel that the ending is a good ending? Does it answer all of your questions about the characters? Is it missing anything?