Chapter 1-3 Chapters 4-6 Chapters 7-10 Chapter 11-14 Chapter 15-18
All Egyptians are cruel and evil; all Canaanites are cowardly and dishonorable
What Stereotypes does Uriah hold at the start of the book especially towards the Egyptians and the Canaanites?
There did not seem to be many laws about who could be slaves, which also meant anyone could be a slave if they were at the wrong place at the wrong time
Do you think the people in this time period worried about becoming slaves? Why or why not?
Jotham holds him against his will with a knife against his throat
How does Uriah get roped into the rescue of Jabin? What happens?
Get rid of the golden idol; God judges the Hebrews when they worship other gods
What does Samuel keep that Deborah suggests he give up, and why does she suggest it?
He meets Heber the Kenite, and he takes him as a prisoner to sell in the big city
On the read to finally meet Sisera who does Uriah come in contact with? What Happens?
Everyone was killed, and the houses were all destroyed because of the Sea People/ Philistines
What happens to the town/ village Uriah lived in?
He is in the dye/ wool industry
What business is the father of Hannibal, Ethbaal, in?
The Hebrews/ the shepherds etc.
Who are the Hill people?
She is a seeress/Holy Woman. She sees visions of the future
What is Deborah’s profession or job?
He is still unsure of which god is the most powerful, and may still be searching for one to put his faith in
In prison, Uriah prays to Tesheb and even to Moloch. What does this tell you about his heart and his faith?
He gets beaten up badly by the Philistines for saying no to them
How does Uriah’s father Die?
Describe to me the working environments of the slave Uriah saw in Tyre.
The Hebrews have no leader and are scattered
Why can the Canaanites harm the Hebrews?
Five tribes, about 10,000 men will fight…enslave…kill…this is open-ended
Who will fight the Canaanites and why?
Have the priests of Moloch and Chief Elders already decided that Uriah is guilty, yes or no?
They are traded foreigners, captured as prisoners of war from desert slavers, or captured Hebrews from the hills
Where do the slaves of Tyre come from?
He is of the sea people and is from the Island of Crete. He is also a Philistine
Where is Achil from?
He lives in the ark and travels with the people
What do the Hebrews believe about their God’s dwelling? Is it different than Barak’s idea?
Chief of Harosheth, captain of the hosts of Canaan, heavy-handed head of a predator city, a great warrior who knows Hittite warfare using horses and chariots, also a friend of Uriah’s father
Who is Sisera?
Sisera would have made Labarnash drag Uriah to Tyre because Sisera loves Harosheth, and the gods more than he loved Uriah’s father
Have the priests of Moloch and Chief Elders already decided that Uriah is guilty, yes or no?
He alerts everyone at camp and saves a young trader from being killed (Hannibal)
When the robbers come upon Uriah and his caravan of travelers at night what does Uriah do?
She told them the story of The Princess and the Hittite Prince
What story did Grandmother tell Uriah, Jotham, and Mehitabel?
Only bread a wine were sacrificed, whereas Moloch demanded child sacrifices
How did the one God of Akhenaton (the Pharaoh that believed in the one true God) differ from Moloch?
They went to get water from the spring, and slave traders/ lookout from the Midianite caravan
Who tried to capture Uriah and Tamar when they went to grab what at the midday meal?
Who is Uriah’s surprise new chariot mate?

Hittite Warrior Chapters 1-18 Review

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