People | Places | Grab Bag | State Locations | Capitals |
Who is Captain James Cook
Discovered Hawaii
What is Russian America
Name of Alaska before the U.S. purchased it
Who is the United States
Who won the Spanish-American War?
What is Louisiana
What is Santa Fe
New Mexico
Who is William H. Seward
Arranged for the U.S. to purchase Alaska
What is Battle of San Juan Hill
Most important battle of the Rough Riders
What is The Maine
Ship that was sunk just before the Spanish-American War
What is Georgia
What is Trenton
New Jersey
Who is Theodore Roosevelt
Led the Rough Riders
What is Canada
Country that separates Alaska from the continental U.S.
What is France
Continent ships must sail around before the opening of the Panama Canal
What is North Carolina
What is Boise
Who is Admiral George Dewey
Destroyed the Spanish fleet in the Pacific
What is Cuba
Island fighting for its independence from Spain
What is France
Country that first attempted to build the Panama Canal
What is Ohio
What is Cheyenne
Who is Colonel William Gorgas
Successful in destroying mosquitoes in Cuba and Panama
What is Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico
2 of the 3 territories the U.S. got after the war
What is
1. Spain gave Cuba her freedom 2. U.S. received several islands 3. Other countries saw us as "world power"
2 of the 3 results of the war
What is Wisconsin
What is Bismarck
North Dakota