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What is Columbus
Man who led the voyage of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
Who are the Aztecs
The great Indian tribe that lived in what is now Mexico
What is France
Country that made friends with the Indians and traded furs with them
What is
North America
Who is Cortez
Spanish Explorer who conquered the Aztecs
What is Ponce De Leon
Explorer who discovered Florida
Who is Leif Ericson
Viking who was the first European to visit North America
What is Spain
Country that gave Columbus the funds he needed for his journey
What is
Pacific Ocean
Who is Sir Francis Drake
Most famous English "Sea Dog"
What is Balboa
Explorer who first saw the Pacific Ocean
Who is Coronado
Spanish Explorer who discovered the Grand Canyon
What is St. Augustine
The first Spanish (European) settlement in America
What is
What is Europe
Continent responsible for the settlement of the New World
What is Marco Polo
Merchant who visited China and described its riches to Europe
Who is Vasco De Gama
First to sail around Africa to get to India
What is Vinland (New France)
Name first given to Canada
What is
What is Asia
Largest Continent
What is De Soto
Explorer who discovered the Mississippi River
Who is Champlain
He helped found the first permanent French Settlement in the New World
What is San Salvador
The Place (island) where Columbus first landed
What is
Indian Ocean
What is peninsula
Land surrounded by water on 3 sides