Terms Women Challenging the Government Metis Challenging the Government First Nations Resisting the Government Lightning Round
A group of fighters made up of regular citizens
What is the militia?
Society at this time believed that women should stay at home to fulfill their role as mothers and family caregivers
What did society in the 1800s believe the role of women to be?
The railroad allowed the government to send troops to battles faster. They could also send out weapons more efficiently
Why was the development of the railroad beneficial for the government in the Northwest Resistance in 1885?
Treaty 6
Which treaty did the federal government not follow the terms of?
Chief Poundmaker
Chief Big Bear
Which chiefs were charged wth treason in 1885?
A traditional First Nations gathering of individuals who danced ceremonial dances, taught, shared, traded, healed and celebrated together
What is a powwow?
What year was the Women's Christian Temperance Union formed?
He believed it was his calling to lead the Metis.
Riel and his followers petitioned the federal government to settle Metis and new settler land claims
Why did Louis Riel return to Canada in 1884?
If First Nations people who signed the treaty did not farm their reserve land, they would not receive food rations
What was the government's "no work, no food" policy?
Battle of Duck Lake
Battle at Batoche
Frog Lake Massacre
Battle at Cut Knife Hill
How many battles were highlighted in this chapter?
The right to vote in political elections
What is suffrage?
The goal of the WCTU was to convince the government to ban the sale of alcohol or force prohibition
What was the goal of the Women's Christian Temperance Union?
He felt that if he was portrayed as insane during his trail, the Metis cause would not be properly recognized
Why did Louis Riel refuse to be portrayed as insane in his trail?
Cree men from Chief Big Bear's band and white male settlers
Who was involved in the Frog Lake Massacre in 1885?
Canadian Women's Suffrage Association
What did the Toronto Women's Literary Club change their name to in 1883?
A society or government that ensures male dominance
What is a patriarchal society?
Canada's first official suffrage organization in 1877
What was the Toronto Women's Literary Club?
Riel and Dumont saw how the government ignored the Metis, First Nations and other settlers in the Northwest. They created a new provisional government with an army to take more forceful action
Why was a new provisional government created?
They took away the Cree's weapons, and forced them to move north. The army also refused food until the Cree moved north.
What did the US army do when they discovered the secret meetings about a united reserve?
Stop publicly funding schools that taught Catholicism and French
What did New Brunswick change about its education system?
Public land managed by the federal or provincial government that hasn't been sold for private ownership yet
What is the Crown Land?
Widows and older, unmarried women who owned property
Who was able to vote in the municipal elections in Ontario in 1884?
He is seen as the defender of Catholic Francophones
Who is Louis Riel seen as the defender of, in Quebec?
to protect the First Nations way of life
Why was a united grand reserve being planned?
First Nations believed that "land could not be sold because it does not really belong to us"
What was the point of view of the First Nations surrounding owning land?

History Review Chapter 4

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