Dates, years Names, titles Numbers General information
In 1492 Columbus arrived to the NEW WORLD
When did Columbus arrive to the New World?
He believed he had come to INDIA.
Why did he call the people who lived there – INDIANS!
Around 1 million of people lived in the NEW WORLD at the time Columbus arrived
How many lived in the NEW WORLD at the time Columbus arrived?
They had to work hard
Rich white landowners often punished or killed their slaves without a reason
They were often treated worse than animals
How were slaves treated?
In 1620 a group of English settlers arrived to America on a ship called the Mayflower.
When did a group of English settlers arrive to America on a ship called the Mayflower?
In 1620 a group of English settlers arrived to America on a ship called the Mayflower.
In 1620 a group of English settlers arrived to America. What was the title of their ship?
The war for American independence from Britain lasted for 6 years.
How many year did the The war for American independence from Britain last?
Slavery was one of the main reasons for the Civil War between the South and the North (1860 – 1865).
Slavery was one of the main reasons for the war between the South and the North. What was was it?
The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
the British king George III didn’t want to sign it.
Whi didn't want to sign the Daclaration of Independance?
Her flag had 13 stripes and 13 stars in one corner
During the war, G. Washington asked Betsy Ross to make a flag as a symbol of American army. How many stars and stripes were on that flag?
What president ended the slavery?
He ended the slavery in April 1864
When did ABRAHAM LINCOLN put an end to the slavery?
The first US president
During the 17th and 18th century more than 6 million of black men, women and children was brought from West Africa to work as slaves in the US.
How many black people were brought as slaves to the US during 17-18th c. ?
Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Rosevelt and Lincol
What four Presidents' faces are carved into the Mount Rushmore?
On December 17, 1903, Orville Wright flew the Flyer . This was the first flight of an airplane in history.
When was the first flight of an airplane in history?
Slave owners often called them “things”
How did slave owners often call their slaves?
More than 13 million people came from all over Europe in the 19th century.
How many people came from all over Europe in the 19th century?
Although slavery ended in 1864 black people were segregated - white people still didn’t treat them as their equals.
Black people were segregated. Please, explain the maening of this word.

History of The US

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