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Lorenzo Carter
Came to Cleveland in 1797 with his wife, 5 children, his sister and his sister's family. Lived in a cabin along the Cuyahoga River. Stayed in Cleveland and never gave up his dream for Cleveland. His cabin was the center of life in Cleveland.
Public Square
Name given to the center of the village by Moses Cleaveland.
Mound Builders
Mystery People who lived in the Ohio country more than two thousand years ago. Built hills in different shapes that were used to bury the dead and for different ceremonies. Some were used as walls around forts.
Lake Erie
Body of fresh water touching the north coast of Cleveland.
This mass of moving ice up to one mile high flattened much of northern Ohio.
Joe & Tabetha Stiles
The first settlers to stay in Cleveland. They came with Moses Cleaveland and the surveyors. They had a baby once they arrived. They were the first settlers to spend a winter in Cleveland.
Pease Hotel
One of the first three cabins built in Cleveland. It was home to the surveyors while they were in the area.
Erie Indians
First tribe of Indians to settle along the southern shore of Lake Erie.
Cuyahoga River
Crooked River.
Man made waterway.
Moses Cleaveland
Was an officer in George Washington's army. Formed the Connecticut Land Company. Led the surveyors to the Western Reserve and met with the Indian Chiefs.
Iriquois Indians
This group of Indians chased the Erie Indians out of the Cleveland area during a two year Battle, known as the Beaver Wars.
Erie Canal
First canal built in Ohio. Connects Lake Erie to the Oceans in the east.
James Kingsbury
Came from New Hamshire to Conneaut with his wife and 3 children. Spent his first winter in Conneaut and moved to Cleveland in the Spring. Left for Newburgh to keep his family from getting sick and opened a mill beside the Falls.
Cuyahoga River
Moses Cleaveland met with the Iroquois to discuss purchasing the land in the Cleveland area from them. The Iroquois agreed to stay on the west side of this river, while the settlers could purchase the west side.
Ohio River
River running along the southern edge of Ohio
Euclid Avenue
Road built over an old Indian trail
Alfred Kelley

A 21 year old lawyer that moved to Cleveland in 1809. He opened an office on Superior Street and wanted to help the city grow. He was on the committee that chose to build a canal from Cleveland to Portsmouth.
Animal Furs (beaver)
The Iriqouis were hunters and trappers. The Indians traded this with European traders in exchange for muskets, iron tools, blankets, and colorful glass beads, among other items.
Ohio Canal
Connects Lake Erie to the Ohio River
Large ship built by Lorenzo Carter

History of Cleveland

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