True/False | Key Figures | Important Places | Miscellaneous | True/False #2 |
The *Declaration of Independence,* signed July 4, 1776, clearly stated that America was fighting to free herself from England.
Daniel Boone
Who was a pioneer in Kentucky?
The battle of the War for Independence happened where?
The Constitution
What document replaced the first plan of government?
F; Louisiana Purchase
In 1803, the *Gadsen Purchase* doubled the size of the US.
F; Gadsen Purchase
The *Texas Annexation* was added to the US so that a railroad could be built.
Sam Houston
Who was the Texan's leader in their fight for indepedence?
The Alamo
The place where Texan patriots suffered a tragic defeat by the Mexicans was where?
Articles of Confederation
What was the first plan of government agreed upon by the US?
F; Patriots
Colonists who supported the War for Independence were called *loyalists.*
The first shots of the Civil War were fired at *Fort Sumter*
Marcus Whitman
Who was a missionary to Oregon?
The place where the British surrendered to the Americans at the end of the War for Independence was where?
Bill of Rights
What important section of writing was added to the Constitution stating the rights and freedoms of the American people?
F; Gettysburg
The Battle of *Vicksburg* was the turning point of the Civil War.
*Quebec* was the first settlement in New France.
Eli Whitney
Who was the inventor of the cotton gin?
Valley Forge
George Washington and the Continental Army spent the winter of 1777-1778 at where?
What is a part of body of water smaller than a sea and reaching into land, generally with a wide opening?
President Lincoln's announcement that the slaves had been freed was the *Emancipation Proclamation.*
F; Republic
A *monarchy is a government* run by representatives of the people.
Abraham Lincoln
Which President believed the Union must be preserved?
Appomattox Court House
The place where General Lee surrendered to General Grant at the end of the Civil War was...?
What is a deep, narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water?
F; Confederate States of AmericaW
After the Southern states withdrew from the Union, they used the name *Separate State of America.*