The twentieth century | 1920s-1940s | 1951-2000 | Continuing education | Cosmetologist career paths |
What is max faktor
His makeup was popular with movie stars because it wouldn’t cake or crack even under hot studio lights
What is 1920s
In what decade did the unionization and practice of barbering usher in a new set of standards
What is Vidal sassoon
Who turned the hairstyling world with their geometric cuts
What is individual development and personal motivation
What is continuing education important
What is texture specialist
Which group of people specialize is permanent waving, braiding, curly hair
What is Charles Nessler
This person invented a heavily wired machine that supplied electrical currents to metal rods which hair strands were wrapped
What is 1924
In what year was the associated master barbers of America organized
What is French hairdressers
What group of people introduced a new method of highlighting using aluminum foils
What is observe, practice, and execute techniques and trends
Continuing education gives you the opportunity to do what?
What is Haircutting specialist
Which group of people focus on various hair cutting styles
What is Madame C.J. Walker
This person was the first woman to become a millionaire after developing a scalp healing treatment and traveling to give product demonstrations
What is 1931
In what year was the preheated perm introduced
What is Trevor sorbie
What iconic hairdresser opened his first salon in Covent Garden, England in 1979
What is increase your earning potential through add-on services
Commitment to perfecting your skills not only advances your professional reputation but also
What is hair color specialist
Which type of stylist focus on different types of color services
What is Marcel Grateau
This person Invented the first curling iron heated by a gas burner
What is 1932
In what year was the first nail polish marketed
What is 1980s
In what decade was the “cat eye” introduced to the makeup world?
What is willing to you develop your craft and reach your full potential
Educator are highly trained experienced professionals that are what?
What is salon trainer
Who oversees the quality of the education being implemented in the salon
What is Marcel Grateau
This person created an electrical version of the curling iron
What is1941
In what year did scientist develop another round of permanent waving that used waving lotion
What is Frank shami
Who introduced ammonia free hair color
What is educational
There are may types of what resources available to you?
What is education director
Who is the liaison between brand and hairdressers that sets the company’s standards by creating education that drives sales