Official Documents Diaries and Letters Chronicles and Travelers Books and Treatises Miscelaneous
Decree of the Expulsion of Jews from Spain
"This is all proved by many statements and confessions, both by the Jews themselves and by those who were perverted and deceived by them, and this has resulted in great damage, harm, and disregard for our holy Catholic faith."
Christopher Columbus
"The people, who were many, were naked and of the same type as those of the other island of San Salvador"
Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas
"It was upon these gentle lambs, imbued by the Creator with all the qualities we have mentioned, that from the very first day they clapped eyes on them, the Spanish fell like ravenous wolves upon the fold..."
Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda
"You must remember that power and authority are not of one kind, but rather many, for a father rules
over his children in one way with one kind of law, and a husband rules over his wife in another way, and
a master rules over his slaves in another... they have their foundations in natural law..."
Fray Gaspar de Carvajal
"We ourselves saw these women, who were fighting in front of all the Indian men as women
captains. They fought so courageously that the Indian men did not dare to turn their backs, and anyone
who did they killed with clubs right there before us."
El Requerimiento
The speech read aloud when Spaniards encountered a group of Native peoples.
Hernando Cortés
"So well did I treat him and so much satisfaction did he received from me that many times I offered him his liberty, begging him to return to his house, and each time he told me he was pleased to be where he was..."
Bernal Díaz del Castillo
"As doña Marina has proved such an excellent person, and a good interpreter in all the wars of New Spain, Tlascala, and Mexico --as I shall relate hereafter-- Cortés always took her with him."
Don Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala
"Besides this, they rape their wives and corrupt their virgins in the whole kingdom, and there is no remedy."
Don Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala
"The corregidores make alliances and come to terms with encomenderos, padres and Spaniards, in fear of the final review, because of other misdeeds they have committed."
Treaty of Alcaçovas (Decree of King Alfonso V)
Treaty signed between Spain and Portugal. Forbade Spaniards from sailing in waters of the coast of Africa and beyond the Canary Islands.
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
"I do not study to write, much less to teach, but only to see if with study I can become less ignorant"
Fray Gaspar de Carvajal
"He said many Indian provinces bordering on them were held in subjection by the Amazons and made to pay tribute and to serve them..."
Don Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora Hernándo Ruiz de Alarcón
"This tumultuous, riotous running to the Alhóndica to buy maize began on Friday and reached ifs height Saturday..."
Bernal Díaz del Castillo
"Now that I am old, I often pause to consider the heroic actions of that time. I seem to see them
present before my eyes, and I believe we performed them not of our own volition but by the guidance of
God. For what soldiers in the world, numbering only four hundred, and were were even fewer, would
have dared to enter a city as strong as Mexico, which is larger than Venice.... There is much to ponder
on, and not in the matter-of-fact way in which I presented it."
Surrender Treaty of the Kingdom of Granada
"Their Highness shall not permit any Jews to have any power or authority over Moors, nor shall they be allowed to collect any kind of rent from them."
Doña Frances Calderon de la Barca
"How they were dressed! Long velvet gowns trimmed with blonde, diamond earrings, high French caps decorated with lace and flowers, or turbans with plumes of feathers"
(Don Domingo de San Antón Muñón)
"All night the said Spaniards did not sleep and kept vigil; everywhere they kept fires going, and
when dawn came they had not slept. And all the different groups of friars and priests who live in Mexico
were just laughing; they were not frightened by what they were hearing about all the different kinds of
news of war concerning the blacks, what they supposedly wanted to do. And the Mexica commoners
were not at all frightened by it; they were just looking and listening; just seeing how the Spaniards were
being destroyed by their fear and did not appear as such great warriors."
Hernándo Ruiz de Alarcón
"The ignorance or naiveté of almost all the Indians (and I do not say of all because I have not
traveled through all the land, but there must be little difference) is so great that, according to general
opinion, all are very easily persuaded of whatever one might want to lead them to believe."
Fray Bartolomé de las Casas
"My deep love of Castile has also been a spur, for I do not wish to see my country destroyed as a
divine punishment for sins against the honor of God and the True Faith."
The Spanish Governor of Panamá to the King
"...and much less they can prevent the heavy damage in robbery ad death that the cimarrones have inflicted and continue to inflict daily..."
Acarete Du Biscay
"Another great hardship which they suffer is that in other places the sulfurous and mineral vapors are so great that it strangely dries them up, so that it hinders them from free respiration."
Joseph Mugaburu
"Friday, the 5th of September of this year 1649, the proclamation was issued that no mulatto, negro, or
zambo could carry a sword, dagger, knife, or any other arms either by day or by night, even though
accompanying his masters, under penalty of one hundred lashes and four years in the galleys and a fine
of 50 patacoons for his master, without exception for any person, ecclesiastic or secular."
Garcilaso de la Vega el Inca
"The Spaniards assign many other gods to the Incas because they do not know how to divide the
epochs and the idolatries of that first age from those of the second."
Don Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora
"Those who insisted most in these complaints were the Indians, the most ungrateful, grumbling,
turbulent people God has created, the most favored with privileges, protected by which they throw
themselves into iniquity and nonsense and get what they want."

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