What was most Egyptians' occupation
What is a delta?
a river that fans out into various branches
Who was the most important god in the Old Kingdom?
Re the sun god
What happened when there was a drought in Canaan?
The land of Canaan became too dry to grow crops.
How long was Ramses II reign?
66 years
What was the cost of stealing farmland from your neighbor?
Death. It was profitable, but a risky deed.
True or False: The Nile is the longest river in the world.
Where did scribes place in Ancient Egyptian society?
Below officials and above skilled artisans
What did God tell Abraham to do?
God told Abraham to take his family and settle in the land of Canaan.
What happened after Ramses II’s death?
Members of the ruling dynasty clashed with each other.
What crops did farmers plant?
They grew fruits and vegetables, such as grapes, onions, beans, and watermelon.
Was the land poor for growing crops?
How many gods did they worship?
over 2,000
Who was the great-grandmother of the Israelite King David?
Did the sea people conquer Egypt?
What are three things that Egyptians bartered during Hatshepsut's era?
Egyptian beer, wine, food, goods for myrrh trees, incense, ebony, ivory, leopard skins, and monkeys.
What did the two crowns on the flag made after Upper and Lower Egypt symbolize?
One was Upper Egypt and one was Lower Egypt. It symbolized their individuality_
What was a woman’s role in society?
To be a wife and to raise children.
Why did God give Moses the ten commandments?
It was a guide for the Israelites?
What was Egypt controlled by?
various foreign powers
Who was the first Kushite ruler to invade Egypt, and what parts did they take?
Piankhi. He took control of Thebes, Memphis, and Upper and Lower Egypt.
Who was the first U.S President to be impeached?
Andrew Johnson.
What does Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia mean?
A fear of long words.
Why did Cyrus the Great become a hero to the Jews?
His policy of tolerance let the Jews keep their beliefs.
Who was the last ruler?
Cleopatra Vll