The Revolutionary War Part 1 | The Revolutionary War Part 2 |
What is the French and Indian War?
The __________________ was during 1775. General Edward Braddock tried to take over Fort Duquesne and take over the French's land in the new world. William Pitt came up with the plan that they would take over the St. Lawrence River, and that won the war.
What is the First Continental Congress?
This was the meeting that did three things. 1. Write the Declaration of Rights. 2. Boycott all British goods. 3. Prepare for war.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
The __________________ prevented the colonists from crossing the Appalachian mountains.
What is the Revolutionary War?
This is how we got our independence from Great Britain.
What is the Stamp Act?
The _____________was a tax on paper. You would have to get stamps from a tax collector in order to buy that product. This took place in 1765.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
The signing date of this was July 4, 1776.
What is the Boston Massacre?
British troops arrived at many places. The Americans jeered at them and threw snowballs at them. Then, on March 5, 1770, a lone British soldier was insulted and got frightened and called for help. More troops arrived and someone called,"FIRE!" and 5 colon
What is the Battle of Trenton and Princeton?
These were quick battles Washington won to raise his soldiers' spirits on Christmas in 1776.
What is the Boston Tea Party?`
Parliament issued the Tea Act of 1773, and made tax on tea. The colonists got frustrated and threw the tea overboard. This is _________________.
What is the Battle of Saratoga?
This is a changing point in the Revolutionary War. Not because of this win, but because the French decided to ally the Americans.