Ancient Architecture Modern Architecture Fibonacci Nature, Art, & Photography
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34
List the first 10 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.
36 degrees.
What is the missing angle of this golden triangle?
The great pyramids, as the angle, length, breadth and height of the triangular prism can be traced to the Golden Mean.
Which ancient architectural example did we use to illustrate the golden mean translated into 3 dimensional form?
Le Corbusier :9
Who devised the Modulor System?
Well done!
Outline the golden ratio on this image.
The (golden) rectangle.
What is one of the basic shapes which appear in Piet Mondrian's works?
Euclid. He introduced the proportion of ”dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio.”
Name the “father of Geometry” and what did he introduce?
The rectangular ground plan, elevation, and inner structure.
Which three features of the Villa Stein nearly resembles golden rectangles?
What is the golden mean? (Hint: It's a number)
(1) Rule of Thirds (Golden Ratio); (2) Golden Triangle; (3) Golden Rectangle
Name the three golden rules of composition (in photography).
Luca Pacioli
Name a theorist who rigorously studied the proportions of the human face, that taught Leonardo Da Vinci?
The fundamental of the modular man is segmented according to the golden section, that is a ratio of 1.61; and these proportions can be scaled up or down using a Fibonacci progression.
What is the fundamental of the modulor system?
- a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers, beginning with 0 and 1.

- each number in sequence, when multiplied by the golden ratio, approximately equals the next number in the sequence.
Explain the Fibonnaci sequence and its relationship with the Golden Section.
We understand that using the "golden" rule offers a way of balancing compositions, to define depth, and directing the viewers' eye to the most critical parts.
What do we understand about the golden rules in composition?
The precision of “exact” proportions traced in architectural buildings, as you can favour your outcome- measuring the elements you want (i.e. Structure, substructure and skin).
What is the theoretical debate about the Golden Section in architecture in the 21st Century?
(1) Pilotis (columns); (2) free plan; (3) free facade; (4) long horizontal window, (5) flat roof garden
Outline the Five Points of Architecture.

History and Theory

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