Pioneers of the Century The Irish & Germans The Scandinavians The Italians The Greeks, Arabs, & Armenians
What is Industrialization & Urbanization?
From 1812-1924, where immigrants end up and the jobs they took reflected the changes in American economy and society. What changes were taking place?
Between, the famine, immigration, late marriages, and high numbers of unmarried people, population growth remained low.
From census in 1841 and 1851, the Irish population dropped 1.6 million and continued down. Why was that the case?
Sweden, Norway, & Denmark
Juxtaposed with the Irish and Germans, Scandinavian immigration was quite small and dominated by Protestants who settled in rural areas. Who exactly were the Scandinavians?
4.1 million
From 1880 to 1920, more than ____________ Italians entered the US and no other ethnic group would send so many in so little time. How many came?
Immigrating as individuals and not communities, Greeks would come and form their own communities here and founded their ethnically Greek Orthodox Church.
Prior to 1924, about 600,000 Greeks came to the US and they did so with a unique sense of pride in their heritage. How was this evident religiously speaking?
At this point the US went from:
Agricultural => industrialized
Rural => urban
Isolated => world power (engaged in European & Asian affairs)
The 1820 census recorded the US population at 10 million and the 1920 census came in at 100 million +. What did this increase mean for America?
The Pre-Famine Migration
The Famine Years
Irish Immigration; 1860-1930
Irish migration can be broken down into 3 waves. What are they?
Those that survived the trip & bouts of illnesses, such as Cholera, settled in the wheat belt. Often times in ghettos and then moving “up”.
Sweden's Immigration Patterns:
Where did the majority of these immigrants settle?
97% of them came into the US through NY and many stayed here.
From 1880 to 1920 incoming Italian immigrants were different. Why?
What is Lebanese
Until recently, almost all Arab immigrants coming to the US were Christians of Eastern Rite Churches from the Levant region and who called themselves ___________.
1860s- Civil War
1890s- there was a depression
1910s- World War I
1920s- restrictive immigration legislation was passed
There was relative international peace as it was between the Napoleonic Wars and World War I. What were the only 4 instance where immigration was paused?
The Germans, came to the US educated and skilled, did not speak the language, and was made up of 3 separate faith backgrounds (Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish)
What was the character of German immigrants?
Politically, the Prohibition era saw Swedes associated with Republicans After World War I, economic issues on the Wheat belt & then the Great depression sent them towards the Democrats.
Sweden's Immigration Character:
What was their political involvement?
What is a padroni
Found largely in manual labor jobs, they would get contracts through a __________. Wages were often low, living conditions in the tenements were bad and they often found themselves as the but of Journalists jokes and stories.
Many were refugees fleeing the Turk genocidal massacres of 1894-1896, 1909, & 1915.
Armenians originate from northeast Asia Minor and between 1880-1924, about 100,000 came to the US. Why did they come?
What is Ellis Island
We went from wooden ships to steamships and while accommodations got better… Record keeping did not! Often times, the rich “1st class” passengers got on and off the boat without being checked. Those in “steerage class” were recorded as they had to go through __________________.
German Jews
We must note that __________, had double trouble in that they were disliked for being foreigners and for being non-Christians. Which German group was that?
Population size & lack of land, was joined by religious intolerance for reasons of immigration.
Norway's Immigration Character:
What was the reason for coming to the US for the majority of Norwegians?
Italians dealt with was the automatic association between being Italian and being Mafioso.
Aside from being Catholic, why else were they discriminated against?
This would not end until 1948 when the Supreme Court struck it down in the Shelley v. Kraemer case.
Legal discrimination, and socially accepted ones, became the norm. In Fresno, for example, restrictive covenants were made out against Armenians, Asians, Mexicans, and Blacks to keep them from buying homes in certain areas. When would this end?
What is steam-powered transportation
With the advent of what was travel now practical for millions of peasants looking to leave behind hardships experienced at home?
Dwight Eisenhower
The ethnic Germans were attracted by the political climate in the US given their lack of a state in Europe. Who would be the first German to make a major mark in the political scene?
What is the “Perpetual Emigration Fund”
Denmark's Immigration Patterns:
Thanks to the ________________ the migration of Mormons was funded by Mormons already in the US. Before it was shut down by the US government in 1887, the fund had paid for the passage of 50,000 immigrants. The remaining Danes were not as organized once they arrived so we don’t have as much data on them… What was the name of the organization?
a political theory advocating the abolition of hierarchical government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.
Nicola Sacco (1891-1927) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (1888-1927) where 2 men believed to be anarchist. What is Anarchism?
By peddling trinkets (“certified” as “from the Holy land” of course) and working their way up to larger goods.
About 100,000 Arabs emigrated. At first single males came, but then women and their families would follow. How did they earn their living?

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