Civil Rights People Wartime Arts & Literature & Entertainment Politics
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
He began the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Who is Muhammed Ali?
Famous boxer who joined the Nation of Islam and protested the Vietnam War.
What is 1863?
Year that the Emancipation Proclamation took effect
What is the Harlem Renaissance?
Famous arts movement of the 1920s & 1930s based on African-American identity.
Who is Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr.?
Leader of the 1980s' "Rainbow Coalition."
Who are the Freedom Riders?
These were dedicated and courageous activists who sought desegregation of public facilities via bus rides through the South in the early 1960s.
Who is Harriet Tubman?
She led people to freedom in the Underground Railroad and became a civil right leader as well.
What is World War I (the Great War)?
US foreign war that led to major race riots near bases in segregated communities.
What is Gone With the Wind?
Hattie McDaniel won a Best Supporting Actress - the first African-American Oscar winner- for this 1939 film.
What is 1972?
Shirley Chisholm ran for the Democratic party's nomination in this year.
What is Little Rock, Arkansas?
Site of a famous incident of school desegregation involving nine young people and a violent mob in 1957.
Who is Booker T. Washington?
This leader stood for economic empowerment within the confines of Jim Crow segregation.
What is the Double V?
During War World II, this symbol stood for victory over enemies abroad and racial discrimination at home.
What is Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five?
Pioneering rap group from the Bronx that began hip hop culture in the 1970s.
What is Reconstruction?
This era included the African-American congressman, senators and state legislators.
What is the Black Star Line?
Name of the cruise company established by Marcus Garvey and back nationalists of the 1920s.
Who is Madame C.J. Walker?
Wealthy business woman who was the first self-made American female millionaire and a civil rights leader too.
What is 200,000?
In the Civil War, approximately this number of African-Americans served in the United States military.
What is Florida?
State where writer Zora Neale Hurston grew up in and defined her early experiences.
Who is Fannie Lou Hamer?
Leader of Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party who gave a memorable speech on the floor of the 1964 Democratic Convention.
What is the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee?
S-N-C-C: what the letter stand for
Who is Marion Anderson?
She gave a singing performance in 1939 in Washington D.C. outside the Lincoln Memorial after being denied a performance at the Daughters of the American Revolution hall.
What is CORE? (Congress of Racial Equality)
Signifiicant civil rights group that formed during World War II.
Who is Rochester?
Name of Eddie Anderson's character on the widely-popular Jack Benny radio program of the 1930s & 1940s.
What is the Voting Rights Act?
This Great Society legislation provided a strong measure of election fairness between 1965 & 2013.

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