Cyber Safety Verbal Self-Defense Dating Safety Car/Road Rage Safety Random Pick
Cyber Bullying is the use of technology to intimidate, abuse or harass other people
It is any bullying communicated through the Internet or any electronic device
*any variation of this is considered acceptable
What is cyber bullying?
Protecting yourself from verbal attacks, or removing yourself from situations that make you uncomfortable.
It is using words to get out of situations safely
*any variation of this is considered acceptable
What is verbal self-defense?
Online Dating
What is a technology based form of dating?
FALSE - NEVER get into an unknown car if you don’t know the driver, even though you know other people there. Better to be safe than sorry.
True/False? You can get into a car where you don’t know the driver, but people you trust are in the car.
*any variation of the word is acceptable
Leaving them unattended could possibly lead to them being drugged or poisoned.
Complete the sentence: When on a date, don’t leave food and drink __________.
What is The Internet?
It is one of the most dangerous but most helpful things in the world
EXAMPLE: Thanks, I remember this time my cousin told me that because I spilt something in it and like…...
*Anything with a long boring story WITHOUT a comeback
Give an example of a response to this verbal attack: OMG, your hair is sooo ugly!!
Talk on the phone to them or talk to family and friends
Before arranging to meet with someone for the first time, what should you do?
- keep it to yourself
- respond and aggravate them in anyway
- keep talking to the bully
- delete all evidence of the bully’s work
*other options may be considered acceptable
What are 2 things you should NOT do if you are being cyber-bullied?
Road rage is aggressive behaviour on the road due to driving difficulties
*any variation of this is considered acceptable
Anyone on the road can be a victim of it.
What is road rage and who can be a victim of it?
- document everything that happens
- report it to the authorities, a parent, or trusted adult
- log off what the stalker was stalking you by for at least 24 hours
- change your email, or other media you are being stalked
- change all your passwords
What are 3 things you can do if you are being cyber stalked?
- do not react the same way they are (attacking them back)
- keep calm, cool, and collected
Fill in the blank: Listen, __________, Respond.
Your gut feeling (or yourself)
When dating, what should you trust the most?
A cell phone and/or an emergency kit should always be in hand, for emergencies.
What is something you must have at all times when driving?
Get out of your car to check, but, wait until you reach a populated rest stop. Do NOT get out of your car immediately.
Someone has signalled you that your tire is low. What should you do?
Hate, Anger, Envy, Peer Pressure or Insecurity and Courage, Compassion, Bravery, Hope
What are 4 things that cause cyber bullying and 4 things which stop it?
- Allow them an exit
- Try to talk yourself out of the situation
- Walk away from them or ignore them, as they take it as a sign of success
- Insult them as you are giving them what they want
List 2 Do’s and Don’ts for verbal self-defense
Public place: mall, movie theater, restaurant, etc.
Is it better to meet in a public or private place, and what would be one example?
Lock all the doors.
Once you get in to drive the car, what should you immediately do?
FALSE. You are only satisfying them and now they know you are annoyed. Ignoring them makes them think that they are successful because they know you are bothered. A good idea would be to ramble on about something, perhaps bore them with a made-up story.
True/False? It’s best to walk away from someone who is verbally attacking you.
The act of sending an email to someone pretending to be a legitimate enterprise, in order to get private information. This can then lead to identity theft
*any variation of this is acceptable
What is phishing?
Verbal violence is at the root of physical violence. First, there are angry words. While the abuse is still verbal, anybody can learn to defuse it. As well, kids who get think verbal abuse is ok, sometimes continue with physical abuse.
What's the connection between verbal abuse and physical abuse?
Member sites with double blind systems.
What type of websites are best for online dating?
Gas should always be carefully maintained, and there should always be a quarter tank.
What should always be carefully maintained in your car, and how much? *Hint: This is essential to driving a car*
Always Be Careful.
What does ‘ABC’ stand for?

Are you Safe Enough?

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