Definitions | Suffixes | Greek Roots |
the core of a word
Defin what a base word is
that which (baker)
what does the suffix -er mean and give me a word example.
which of the following roots mean heat?
auto, bio, thermo, or meter |
Roots are the base elements of a word that convey the basic meaning of the word.
Define what a root word is
pertaining to. (Martian)
what does the suffix -ian mean and give me an example.
Which of the Greek root means ocean or body of water?
synonym: words that mean the same thing
acronym: words that are opposite of each other
What is a synonym and an acronym?
performing, agent (servant)
what do the suffixes -ant and -ent mean?
The study of the earth.
when root words geo and logy are put together, what does the word mean?
homophone: words that sound the same but have different meanings
homograph: words that share same written form but have different meaning
What is the difference between a homophone and a homograph? give an example of each
-er: nothing. stays a noun
-ian: noun to an adjective - ant/ent: vert to a noun
What do the following suffixes do to a word? (-eer, -ian, -ant, and -ent)
-graph: something written or drawn
- meter: device used to measure -photo: light - tele: far
Define the following: graph, meter, photo, and tele.
acronym: abbreviation formed from the first letters of a phrase or word
abbreviation: shortened form of a word
What is the difference between an acronym and an abbreviation?
verb to a noun
What do the following suffixes do to a word? (-ance & -ence)
-para: beside
-bio: life -stat: to stay/know -dia: across/through -baro: pressure/weight
Define the following: para, bio, stat, dia, and baro.