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George Washington
Who was the 1st President of the United States?
Earth is the ___ planet from the sun?
What state do we live in?
The Moxi Museum
Name our first field trip?
What is the fastest land animal?
Martin Luther King Jr.
Who said "I have a dream"?
How many planets are there in our solar system?
United States of America
What country do we live in?
Valentine's Day
For what holiday did we celebrate in the Fireside room?
What do you call a baby kangaroo?
Harriet Tubman
Who helped slaves escape from the south?
The 4th day
God created the sun, moon, and stars on what day?
North America
South America Europe Asia Australia Africa Antarctica
What are the 7 continents?
What is
How many coins does it take to purchase an ice cream party?
A Spider
What animal is Charlotte?
Jackie Robinson
Who was the 1st African-American baseball player?
Neil Armstrong
Who was the first person on the moon?
San Salvador
Where did Christopher Columbus land?
Snow cone
What treat did you first have on the first day of school?
How many of each animal entered the ark?
Kalama Harris
Who is our current Vice President?
The Challenger
What is the name of the spaceship that blew up with the teacher on it?
What do we call places protected by the U.S. that govern themselves?
What language does Miss Betty teach?
What is a group of elephants called?