Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 Comprehension 1 Comprehension 2
b) stared fiercely
What does the word glared mean in the sentence below?

The teacher glared at the two students who were talking during the test.

a) yelled angrily
b) stared fiercely
c) smiled brightly
d) listened politely
d) unlucky
What does the word unfortunate mean in the sentence below?

Getting a flat tire on your way to the restaurant was unfortunate.

a) funny
b) planned
c) unbelievable
d) unlucky
c) the jealous goddess Hera
Which character wishes to harm Hercules?

a) the mighty Zeus
b) the doomed hero Atlas
c) the jealous goddess Hera
d) the weak King Eurystheus
c) three
How many tasks does King Eurystheus ask Hercules to perform?

a) five
b) four
c) three
d) one
a) clever at solving problems
What does the word resourceful mean in the sentence below?

The resourceful hero figured out how to help his friends.

a) clever at solving problems
b) patient during a difficult time
c) fearless in the face of danger
d) generous with one's resources
b) created
What does the word devised mean in the sentence below?

The scientist devised a new experiment to test his ideas.

a) considered
b) created
c) ruined
d) used
c) to help Hercules regain his honor
Why does Zeus send Hercules to King Eurysthesus?

a) to protect Hercules from Hera
b) to protect Hercules from Atlas
c) to help Hercules regain his honor
d) to show he is stronger than Hercules
b) a strong person
What kind of person is MOST likely to be described as herculean?

a) an evil person
b) a strong person
c) a cursed person
d) a dutiful person
a) forced
What does the word coerced mean in the sentence below?

The firefighter coerced the cat down from the tree.

a) forced
b) interested
c) pleased
d) requested
a) Don't take on too much.
What is the meaning of the adage below?

Don't bite off more than you can chew.

a) Don't take on too much.
b) Don't eat when you're not hungry.
c) Eating too quickly will make you sick.
d) Don't think too hard before you decide.
b) a seemingly impossible task
What does the allusion "like killing the Nemean lion" mean in the sentence below?

Finishing all my chores in time was like killing the Nemean lion.

a) a welcome challenge
b) a seemingly impossible task
c) an enjoyable break in routine
d) a punishment for bad behavior
d) Perseverance and resourcefulness can accomplish seemingly impossible tasks.
What is the MOST important lesson the reader can learn from the myth of Hercules?

a) People with great strength are likely to be boastful and untrustworthy.
b) Love and confidence will solve most problems you encounter in life.
c) Courage and ambition are the qualities you most need to succeed in life.
d) Perseverance and resourcefulness can accomplish seemingly impossible tasks.
a) Think ahead of acting.
What is the meaning of the adage below?

Look before you leap.

a) Think ahead of acting.
b) Don't listen to criticism.
c) Don't jump into puddles.
d) Remember what is important.
c) Don't make a decision until you need to.
What is the meaning of the adage below?

Cross that bridge when you come to it.

a) Plan your trip in advance.
b) Look for sign posts along the way.
c) Don't make a decision until you need to.
d) Follow what other people have done before you.
c) He promises to use his strength only to help others.
How does Hercules change by the end of the myth?

a) He is prouder and more boastful than ever.
b) He loses confidence in his strength and courage.
c) He promises to use his strength only to help others.
d) He is determined to get revenge for all of his suffering.
a) cleverness
Which quality is MOST important in helping Hercules obtain the golden apples in the Garden of the Hesperides?

a) cleverness
b) courage
c) kindness
d) strength
d) Take care of small problems now to prevent big problems later.
What is the meaning of the proverb below?

A stitch in time saves nine.

a) Helping others is the best way to make friends.
b) Take care of your belongings, or you'll be ashamed.
c) Learn basic skills before you attempt a major project.
d) Take care of small problems now to prevent big problems later.
c) Don't risk what you have for a chance to get more.
What is the meaning of the proverb below?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

a) Some things are worth more than others.
b) Always take the easy way out of a problem.
c) Don't risk what you have for a chance to get more.
d) People with big dreams will always go further in life.
b) Both myths are told in third-person point of view.
Use the passages "Hercules' Quest" and "Zomo's Friends" to answer the question.

Which of the following is true about the point of view in the two passages?

a) Both myths are told in first-person point of view.

b) Both myths are told in third-person point of view.

c) "Hercules' Quest" is told in first-person, but "Zomo's Friends" is told in third-person.

d) "Hercules' Quest" is told in third-person, but "Zomo's Friends" is told in first-person.
c) Both Hercules and Zomo are sent on quests that teach them lessons about life.
Use the passages "Hercules' Quest" and "Zomo's Friends" to answer the question.

Which of the following is true about the events in the two passages?

a) Hercules performs three impossible tasks, but Zomo performs many more.

b) Zomo performs three impossible tasks, but Hercules performs many more.

c) Both Hercules and Zomo are sent on quests that teach them lessons about life.

d) Both Hercules and Zomo receive assistance from the gods that helps them make new friends.

Hercules' Quest

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