Bilirubin Treatment & Recs Testing & Diagnostics Complications Mystery Topic
What is both unconjugated and conjugated and bilirubin?

Name a similar syndrome and the most apparent difference in said syndrome.
Jaundice resulting from cholestasis is marked by a build up of ... ?
What are cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.

Why does alcohol increase the risk of these things?
Alcohol consumption increases risk of developing these two things
What is esophagogastroduodenoscopy?


This full word is abbreviated by EGD. First group to write it on the board with correct spelling and THEN say it out loud when called on gets 100 points!
What are esophageal varices?

Describe why these appear.
EGD conducted for Mr. Webb picks up this finding.
What are bilirubin, prothrombin, and creatinine?

What is the score range and what is it based on?
The components measured in MELD
What is Dubin-Johnson Syndrome?

What type of bilirubin accumulates? How does the patient present?
This condition is marked by a grossly black liver.
What are Hb and Ferritin?

What is the therapeutic range for ferritin?
Important to monitor these two levels when treating a patient with phlebotomy.
What is DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) or increased bleeding risk?

What can be done to reduce this risk?
This is a contraindication for Paracentesis
What are hemosiderin granules?

What are depositions of hemosiderin granules called?
Browning of myocardium is due to .... ______
What is hepatic iron index?

When is it ordered and what is it clinically useful for? (ordered if hepatomegaly, serum ferritin >1000 mcg/dL, or abnormal liver tests). it is used to distinguish hemochromatosis from alcoholic liver disease)
Hepatic iron concentration / Age of Patient
What is Gilbert's Syndrome?

How type of bilirubin accumulates? What can exacerbate bilirubin accumulation in Gilberts patients?
The most common inherited disorder of glucoronidation
What is the goal maintenance level of serum ferritin?

Where in the body is ferritin most abundant?
Goal maintenance level 25-50 ng/Liter
What is a barium swallow?

Briefly describe the procedure.
Another procedure (besides EGD) that can diagnose upper GI problems.
What are dysrhythmias or cardiomyopathy?

Is this reversible?
Leading causes of sudden death in patients with iron overload
What is choledecholithiasis?

What is blocked and what does it cause an elevation in? Name one other possible complication.
May result in cholangitis, obstructive jaundice, or pancreatitis.
What is Crigler-Najjar Syndrome?

What type of bilirubin accumulates and what is kernicterus?
Marked by jaundice, kernicterus, and and absent UDP-glucoronyl transferase
What is Lactulose?

Name an alternative reason that a person may take lactulose.
Contraindicated for those who are galactose intolerant.
What are infection, bleeding, and perforation?

Name some other purposes for performing EGD.
Three risks of the EGD
What are small testes?

What is a proposed mechanism for why hemochromatosis leads to small testes?
In addition to his inability to maintain an erection, Mr. Webb may feel ashamed of this.
What is an iron chelator (desferal)?

How does it work?
An agent that is an iron chelator indicated for acute iron intoxication but not for hemochromatosis.

Hemochromatosis Jeopardy

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