Chapter 6 | Chapter 6 cont'd | Chapter 7 | Chapter 7, cont'd | Chapter 8 |
What is spontaneous?
all of a sudden, randomly
What is traversed?
travel across or travel through
What is katydid?
a species of green long-horned grasshopper
What is trilled?
a quavering or vibratory sound
What is chickweed?
small plant with white petals
What is verbatim?
word for word
What is abstract?
intangible; existing in thought but not in real life
What is dread?
anticipation with fear
What is soughing?
a whistling or rustling sound
What is well-house?
shed with a water spout
What is symmetrical?
exactly the same on either side; flipped
What is an idiom?
a group of words established by usage that mean something else
What is earnestly?
truthfully, with genuine enthusiasm
What is pinafore?
a sleeveless, apron-like garment
What is capered?
to skip about happily
What is stimulus?
something that spurs a reaction in someone
What is initiative?
the ability to assess and pursue things independently
What is resinous?
viscous; like tree sap
What is plodding
trudging through
What is tantalizing?
to torment someone with the promise of a reward
What are amenities?
capabilities, know-how
What is augmented
increased; improved
What is antediluvian?
belonging to the time before the biblical flood
What is faculty?
ability; an inclination towards
What is curiosity?
a strong desire to know or learn something